losing my hair
It's finally happening, the hair is beginning to fall out. I noticed this week when I combed my hair after washing it, the comb has twice as much hair left in it. How depressing. I have medium length long hair, so maybe it just looks like a lot, but it is definitely more than usual. I usually only get the minimal amount of protein daily, plus take my vitamins, so I think I'm going to have to up the protein total. It's been difficult to get extra protein in during the day while I work, so I'm going to have to really work at it. The hair loss isn't noticeable yet, that is, I can't see it yet, but I sure would like to stop this quickly. I have lost 32 pounds on the pre-op diet, and 42 pounds post-op, for a total of 74 pounds lost. I still have a long way to go, though.
Anyone else having thinning hair yet?
Debra M.
off to down another protein drink
Hello Debra
I had lap rny on May 18th I have lost no hair I am trying to get back on track with my protine drinks I had another complication I had a stricture and had to have 3 dilations I am down 51.5 lbs since the day of surgery. I take biotin its like $1.97 at walmart its for skin,nails and hair I hope that is what is helping I talked with a lady 6mo out that lost no hair but she kept the protein and the biotin email me with any questions
I'm so sorry Debra! I can only imagine what you're going through. I used to read so many posts about hair loss prior to surgery. It's one extreme or another...you lose it or you don't. Some lose tons and have always had enough protein and there are some who lose zero hair and hardly get the protein in. My surgeon and nutrionist both said it must be more than protein. Our bodies are almost forced into anorexia those first 6 weeks...so few calories and we don't absorb them all. Anorexic people have hair loss problems so I hear. They also said if you lost hair during a pregnancy you will likely lose it after surgery. It seems most will lose hair around 90 days pre-op.
I'm so scared of losing it. I think us gals have such a hard time with it because, well, IT'S OUR HAIR!!! We love our hair!!!
In the meantime, do what you think you need to do whether it be biotin, protein increase, special shampoos, etc. I might be posting the same thing about my hair soon....but crossing my fingers not too! Never know huh?
good luck...hair loss, another little trade off to looking and feeling great
The hair loss is called telogen effluvium. Basically the stress on your body of losing 74 pounds in a small period of time, causes the hair loss more than any protein deficiency. In 1988, I lost 70 lbs following the Weigh****chers program and about 3-4 months into my loss my hair started thinning. I tried to ignore it, my chiropractor did and ordered blood tests. Nothing. No problems, no thyroid issues, nada. Went to see a dermatologist and basically he told me it was the shock of the weight loss on my body. That's why I know the name of the condition. I remember it after all these years due to the strange name. LOL! The doc said there was nothing to do. I was eating balanced and healthy and he told me to continue. It stayed thin for a couple of months and then started growing back in. Over time, it came back.
Like you, I lose 32 lbs prior to surgery and now 33 since surgery. So, I've lost 65 lbs since February. I'm waiting for the thinning hair. No signs yet but I wouldn't be surprised at all given my history in the past.
Oh and getting more than the minimum protein is never a bad idea!
Hiya Debra,
I'm just over 6 weeks out and I noticed the same thing with me a few weeks ago as you are now experiencing ... when I comb my hair after getting out of the shower, my comb is filled with hair. I have thyroid issues and when it is out of whack I lose hair. I thought that was the problem. But I had my blood work done and talked with my surgeon and my thyroid levels were fine. He suggested Biotin and I started taking it about 2 weeks ago and I think it is starting to kick in. I still have a lot of hair in my comb, but not like it was in the beginning.
Congratulation on your weight loss. That's fabulous!

Hi Debra,
I had my surgery the day before you, I have noticed my hair is getting thinner on top as well, and I already had thin hair ughhh! I had a friend tell me to put vitamin E on my scalp (you break open the gel cap) its sticky and gross but she swears by it, I have not done it enough to know if its working yet but I figured its worth a try.
Good Luck
I have been trying to be very gentle with my hair, and taking the Biotin that the Dr suggested. He also put me on a prenatal vitamin and he said many times it helps his patients keep from having thinning hair and actually sees some thickning if you are also keeping up on the protein. So I am hoping that I dont have too much of a problem. I swim every day 2 times and I am very cautious to keep my hair up in a clipping and load it down with infusium leave in conditioner to protect it.
I guess the next best thing to do is just PRAY.. Pray every day that your hair stays intact as much as possible.
The best of luck to you
Hugs from Ohio
lap RNY
Thank you all for your replies and suggestions. I am upping the protein supplements, in addition to the food protein I eat. I may get some biotin the next time I'm out. I had a stricture at four weeks out, and with the hospitalization for that, and clear liquids for a few days thereafter, there were two periods of severe malnutrition. I shouldn't be surprised about the hair loss, though, when I was on Redux nine years ago, my hair thinned. At the time, I didn't know it was from the weight loss, I thought it was a side effect of the drug, which in a way, I guess it was. After I stopped the drug (when it was taken off the market), the weight and hair returned. I am happy with the weight loss, so I'll have to cope with the thinning hair for now. I'm sure it'll come back, the hair, not the weight.
Best of luck to all of you,
Debra M.