The short answer is no, I can't tell you why.
From my support group and the internet, it seems like Doctors have mixed opinions about carbonation + bariatric surgery. My surgeon says no to carbonation.
His reasons? Too much gas, which can give you gas or expand your pouch. And, of course, regular soda or champagne both have empty calories, which we don't need.
I'm sticking to my doctor's advice 1) because I am not a soda junkie, so it's not that hard for me to go without and 2) because the people in my support group that have followed his advice have seen long term consistent results that are better than the national average for RNY surgery.
But, I know others have done just fine with Diet Sodas, so who am I to judge? I am just figuring this stuff out like the rest of us. Do what is right and will work for you.
And good luck!

Open a can of soda and put it in a ziplock bag and leave it. Go check on it in a while. The bag will be puffed up with air. That's what it'll do in your pouch...expand and cause more gas than we've already got!
Another thing...phosphorus in the carbonation process can leech calcium from your bones. We are more suspectible to osteopenia and osteoporsis so we don't need any help with breaking down the calcium in our bones.
I have to agree with the above posts regarding carbonated drinks. However, remember that all surgeons have varied opinions. My surgeon is very strict but my friend's surgeon (she's 3 years out) said try anything and everything your body can tolerate. She and another friend had the same surgeon and they both successfully went down from 350 to 180 and from 250 to 130...oh, and they are both diet soda guzzlers (although they both say they try to get in their water first).
Although this board gives out wonderful support and information, whenever in doubt ask your own surgeon. It's amazing how different our surgeons can be isn't it!
Good luck and give your doc or nutrionist a call.
My surgeon says soda isn't going to do any true damage to the pouch, and he says he has no problem with sparkling water once in awhile.
He still says no soda, because he believes it leads to snacking.
Since I don't really know what's true and what's not, I choose not to find out. For now. Why take risks? I did this to change my lifestyle, and that's what I'm doing. Working so far...