Do you all throw up every day??
I've only thrown up twice. Once when I got something stuck and once when I tried one of those 'Lean Cuisine' type meals that was pizza. I took two bites and the crust swelled to the size of a watermelon (or it felt like it anyway, LOL) and
. Other than that, nope - I've not thrown up at all.

My issues with throwing up had to do with my strictures, but I did also notice that if I eat the same thing more than a couple of times the pouch gets picky and sends it back, I guess it prefers variety, lol. I had bad naseau problems as well and when I mentioned it at the health food store they told me to try ginger, I purchased these chewables called Ginger Trips they taste pretty good and it has helped quite a bit. I try to take it in the morning and things have been going down and staying down much better. Maybe give somthing like that a try.
Good Luck!