HELP!!!! Constipation!
I had one terrible attack, thought I was gonna die. My doctor recomended Milk Of Magnesia and it did the trick in a few hours.
He also said a suppository could be used (ducolax) but it didn't help me at all.
While waiting for the M.O.M. to work, rock... I sat in my rocking chair crying... but rocking helped.
Good Luck Sweetie... I sympathize with you.
You can start off slowly with drinking some prune juice. That is the first step and if that doesn't work go to a stool softner like Colace. If that doesn't work then go to milk of magnesia.
Are you drinking enough fluids and getting enough fiber? A warm ho****er bottle on the tummy while you wait for the above to start working helps relief some of the discomfort.
Good luck and I wish you a speedy release.

I put a teaspoon of metamucil in my protein shake, yes it's gross but I needed something. I'm going to try the tablets so I don't have to deal with the powder. Any how, it is important to clean out daily your system (if you get my drift) because of toxins etc. Try the metamucil it works. Jane xoxo and feel better