Alcohol Anyone?
I've tried alcohol twice now. Last week I had 1/2 glass of wine with my husband. Last night I went out and decided I was going to have a drink. I ordered a Cosmo. It had vodka, cranberry juice and lime. It was really good but one was PLENTY! I'm not a heavy drinker, but I enjoy a drink from time to time.
I say enjoy your trip and have a drink or two! Try to avoid the really sugary drinks though. Have fun!
Hi Cyndi,
How are you doing? I've been wanting to try drinking too, but too scared!
I'm going to a bachelorette party next weekend, strip club, limo ride, the whole 9 yards, and I would love to have a drink. I'm just paranoid that I'll get sick and ruin the party. I may try one this weekend just to see what happens.
How is Shane? Everything all better with him?
How is the weight loss going for you? Mine is slowing down a little right now, but still good. I'm down 60 pounds total. 25 before surgery and 35 since surgery. Slow is better, or that is what I keep telling myself anyways.
Take Care,
Hi Kate,
I haven't tried it yet. I definitely want to, but so far I've chickend out. I will though. I too want to be normal, and for me, normal is a drink every few months or so. Never with the kids around.
Enjoy your vacation, and my advice would be to try something when you are close to your hotel room, or wherever you are staying, just in case it doesn't agree with you.
Take Care,
My surgeon has had rny and the only bad thing he said about it is that we get drunk fast and 1 drink is definately enough. He said that he is like all good irishmen and has a shot of whiskey once in a while and before he puts the shot glass down he can feel the effect. I have tried beer a few times, and before you say CARBONATION! I want to let you know that when I drink it I swi**** around and bang it on the table to get most of the carbonation out and then when I take a drink I swi**** in my mouth to get more bubbles out. My nutritionist said that some people DO tolerate carbonation, but that we should not try it untill we are 6 weeks out just to be sure that we are all healed. In my opinion if you dont become an alcoholic and dont drink everyday it will be fine. It is fun getting buzzed off of 1 beer! Before I could drink a half liter of hard stuff and not get a buzz!
Remember now you shouldent drive even if you've had just a little more than a sip.
We had surgery the same day and I just had a check up with my surgeon an Friday....7/8 and he told me "Not that I'm telling you to go out and get drunk or anything, but if you want a glass of wine, go ahead just remember to try it at home first to see how you'll react to it first, and go easy, drink it slowly!" What has your doctor rreccommended?
Let me know how it works out, if you decide to try it!
Have a great vacation.