Water gulping?
Long ago (well 8 weeks ago) I as well as many of you were told to just sip our water because our baby pouchies were 1-2 oz. and our mouths held more than our pouches. Well almost 2 months out I'm realizing, my pouch is maybe 4 oz. big now. Do I have to keep sipping water? It's not that I want to gulp and gulp? But is anyone taking bigger drinks than sipping?? I haven't experienced it yet but man I'd get in more than my share of daily fluids if I did more than sip now, lol.
What kind of drinking do YOU do? How's your week going?

I'm 6+ weeks out and I get pain if I accidently gulp.... I'll be working in the yard and grab my always present bottle of water, take a big gulp and OUCH!!! Tough reminder to sip, sip, sip.... It's like trying to fit a beachball through a bottleneck. I've gotten to the point where a half a mouthful goes down ok... but I definately can't chug like I did pre-op... (that's probably a good thing.)
Good Luck.
Kate Z

Hi Ana,
I am 6 weeks out and have had no problems with drinking regularly. I get about 70-80oz of water a day. I was worried at first when suddenly I found myself drinking loads more than I was able to at first, but my ability to take food in more hasn't changed so everything must be fine.
I don't do fine when I gulp, I get a really upset feeling and stop. The hardest for me is after I have been exercising and really crave water and just want to gulp. I have to hold back.
I don't know if this has helped any but good luck to you and take care. Listen to your body.

I was a chugger pre-op. I mean, like a 32 oz glass of water within minutes. It wasn't as difficult for me to stop that post-op as I thought it would be. But yes, right at first I would sip no more than an ounce every 3-4 minutes or so. Now I can swallow a mouthful (two swallows) every 2-3 minutes or so.
When I had my upper GI yesterday they had me drinking the barium stuff and I had to #1 drink it with a straw (which I was told is a no-no) and drink more than I was used to. BUT, the cool thing was I could watch it go down my esophogus, into my pouch, and empty into my intestines. It emptied out VERY quickly. I took three mouthfuls within about 2-1/2 minutes and by the time I took the 2nd mouthful, the pouch was already 1/2 way empty. It was pretty cool seeing it!