Hello everyone-
I have been going through a rather hard time. Another bump in the road has occured. I have forgiven but I just can't forget and can't believe that someone I love did this to me! I feel worthless and unloved and unwanted. I feel like its my faught, but I have to know its not. But I think it is! I don't want to get into details. I need help on how I feel and how I can get over something that was done. That was wrong. Boy does life suck! It hurts the most bc I love this person. They did it even though they knew my views on it and knew it'd kill me! My heart is crushed, broken, and I think still beating even though it doesn't feel like it. How can I move on past this? How can I forget? How can things get back to the way there were?
P.S. Basically what this person did was cheat.
May 13, 2005
21 yrs old, 5'1
231 / 197 / 120

Oh Miss April! Im so sorry that you are going through this terrible time! Whatever the problem, whatever the worry, whatever the heartache please know that this is temporary. Although it may feel like life is crushing you, this too will be something that will work its way out. Take it one day, one hour, one minute at a time. Remember to breathe deeply when you feel anxious or just like giving up. Remember its ok to feel emotions and even despair.......its what you do with them and how long you let them continue which is important. Isnt it time that you came first? Put yourself first.....take a bubble bath!
Im praying for you......please write if you want to talk. Im on yahoo under pladboxers if you want to chat.

April, I am so sorry to hear about your heart break. You have had a very difficult week. Life has a weird sense of humor at times. I could tell you to do this and do that, but what it comes down to nothing I can tell you will erase your pain.
You have been through alot, I wish I could take a wand
and wave it and make everything better. I will keep you in my prayers and hope for heart to find strength and to begin to heal.
People can come and go, but your health and your future are important right now. Don't let this person take this away from you.

Aaahhh April,
First off (((((BIG HUG))), I was in that situation too before and I forgave but never have forgotten. But every situation is different and you got to do what is best for ya. The way I got through it was to go through it, alot of yelling, screaming, time apart, time back together, re-building of trust and T-I-M-E! For me things never went back to the way they were (thank God for that) but things now are so much better than it was!!! Way better!!! I am praying for ya girlie, and I know you God will guide ya through your decision process.
Now make sure you take care of yourself in the process!!! We have came tooo far with getting wls, TO LET ANYBODY get in out way. Feel free to send me an email if you need to chat or vent.

Having been on the receiving end of a cheating situation several times, I can tell you that the damage is fairly permanent. You will never, ever look at the person the same way again or trust them fully. You will carry that mistrust into other relationships. Certain signals will make you think it's going to happen again, and you'll set yourself up for a fall.
I can also tell you that the pain goes away. You'll laugh again. You'll love again. You'll be happy and complete again. You'll just never forget this feeling of betrayal, and you'll never do this to someone else, because you know first hand how it feels. I know it's hard, but try to look at this as a learning experience. Hang in there....