No sugar or carbs for 6 weeks changes you!
Its amazing to me how much my tastes have changed since surgery. One of my favorite foods, macaroni and cheese, has become "blah" to me. I loved making Kraft Mac'N'Cheese box dinners. Last night my wife made that for our kids and I decided I'd have a little bit with my meatloaf. Well, it was okay, but nothing like the thrill I used to get eating it. I've noticed the same thing with one of my other favorites - pizza. If in fact a lot of the foods that I used to cherish, and think I still miss, turn out to be not that good to me, then I will indeed have been given the most amazing gift by my Lord.

You know, Tom...I've found that foods that I keep away from for quite a while and then decide to "have" again...never taste as good as my memory of them. That even happened before this surgery.
I haven't ventured into pasta or pizza yet but it is definitely a good thing to not think they are great anymore.
Sounds great!
I know what you mean!! I used to love pizza and I've had 2 bites of it since surgery (a lean cuisine type thing) and it swelled so much and made me
! I have no desire for it anymore
. But seriously, I also loved Spaghetti and I'm making it for dinner tonight and have no real desire to have any of it. I think, for me, the whole problem is it's such a hassle to eat anymore. I mean, I get bored with my food very quickly - taking 20-30 minutes to eat this tiny amount of food is just such a pain. I used to be the first one done with my dinner, now I'm barely 1/2 way through when my family is done. That, plus having to chew, chew, chew, chew things until there is NO taste to it anymore just makes it seem almost not worth it to eat it!
My food has mostly been consisting of canned tuna or chicken (the 3 oz can), cheese (LOVE cheese - it's easy to chew down and it still tastes good when it is chewed down!), and protein shakes/smoothies. That's really about it. I don't eat much else. If I cook chicken for my family I will eat it if it's good and tender. I've been trying to cook more 'me-friendly' meals for my family and I have been eating a bit of those, but really - like I said, it's just more of a hassle than anything.