:help:grumpy and mean..is it only me?
Oh, your certainly not alone in this. I also have been so irratabile. I hate my job, the environment, and the people. I think this probably has been a blessing. I have known for quiet awhile I needed to make a change towards helping my career. I just don't like change much and have gotten in a rut. This has helped me become determined to make a difference, take my state boards, and get a new job. I have taken this time to reevaluate my life and decide what's important to me. Family, friends, and happiness.
So for me this has been a blessing.

Thank god I am not the onley one. I just wish I knew what it was. I can't figure out what is making me so mad. Sometimes I think it is the lack of food. I mean I am not hungry except for my head especially when I eat around other people and see their portions and think Oh my god. But not sure if that is it either. I hope maybe somebody knows what it is .
Quote from Kathy:
"Remember fat stores estrogen. When you burn fat, it gets freed up and released and we get extra hormones into the mix. It messes with your cycles and it messes with your emotions."
Could this be why my period is all goofed up? It came 10 days early this month and has lasted 9 days already. I plan on talking to my OBGYN, but wonder what experience he's had with bariatric surgery patients. Some days I wish I could have the darn thing cut out for good-
Becky Jean

I swear if one more person tells me to drink more water or walk more I am going to kick them in their teeth.........and now that I am down 31 lbs I can lift my leg high enough to do it! Yep.......I have been grumpy and pissy. Sometimes I am scared that I may tell my boss to fu*% off so I can go do something else. Its not like me to be this angry....its really thrown me off guard.
Isnt wls supposed to make us full of energy and doing the happy dance all the time? That was my impression at first..........glad to know reality is here........now, if I could just get myself out of this funk!
=) Carrie
Noooooo, it's not just you !!! I was taken off my Prozac on the day of surgery and wasn't put back on it. My family begged me to start taking it again. LOL I've been angry, short-tempered and sarcastic. Also very distant. I'm not sure what's doing it .... the surgery/diet isn't really bothering me. Someone said that when you lose weight you start releasing hormones...so maybe we're all just having a severe case of PMS...or maybe it's PGBS (Post Gastric Bypass Syndrome). You might consider talking to your doctor and getting something to take for awhile and see if that helps.
LAP RNY 5/24/05
I think it is because we are coming off caffeine, sugars, carbs and food in general. I know my family looks at me sometimes asking me if I am depressed. I tell them I don't think so, but it is hard when you feel the urge to eat but can't, it takes reconditioning the mind. I think I ate a lot of the time because my mind told me to, not that my stomach told me to. I am getting better. My weakness was when my mom was cooking dinner and I could smell it knowing i couldn't have any. Well, I am eating different things now and it makes it easier. Hugs