Please tell me how wrong this is!
April it really sounds like your friend is worried and jealous. I had something similiar happen a few years ago when I lost over 100lbs and started finding new joy in life again. My friend at that time liked being the center of attention and when people started commenting how great I was looking and how happier I was, she became extremly upset and said I was trying to take her friends away. I wasn't there when this happened to you so I can't say if that is what is happening.
My feelings are that if a person is a true friend they would be by your side wishing you all the best and encouraging you on.
Keep your head up, it sounds like your on the right track focusing on what is important to you in your life.

Oh my go**** sounds like my friend. She is the one that ALWAYS got the attention. She also is 135 lbs and says she is fat and needs diet pills! Okay I'm now 197 she doesn't need them! She is 5'3 she says she is supposed to be 115 and I'm supposed to be 110. I don't want her friends but she thinks I do and am jealous bc I don't have them, apparently she doesn't think I have any but her! Boy is she wrong. I have my OH family and some close friends.