Not losing much weight
Hey Jane!
Join the club....I don't know what the problem is!!! But I'm getting ready to up the exercise a couple of notches...and increase the protein and water BIG TIME.....When you her about people that have lost 70pounds in the forst 2months you wonder "Well what have I been doing wrong," now my doc says that I'm doing fine...I wonder if she's saying that to just satisfy me...I hope not...She said the best weight lost is slow.... I don't know. I guess we are expecting instant results...But I do see a difference in my shoe size, the way my clothes fit, and my rings on my finger.
But I do see a difference in my shoe size, the way my clothes fit, and my rings on my finger.
I hear ya there! I had to go buy smaller tennis shoes this weekend because my old ones were practically falling off. I have an ever increasing sized box in my bedroom with all of the clothes that I can no longer wear. I also used to wear a ring on my thumb and a ring on my right ring finger. I had to take them both off because they kept falling off. My wedding band and engagement ring are still okay, but they are getting kind of loose.
The people that lose 70 pounds in two months are usually super morbidly obese and have a lot more to lose than some of us. For example:
I need to lose about 117 pounds total. Therefore, if I lost 70 pounds in two months, my body would be in such shock that I'm not sure it could handle it. Because of this, I'm six weeks out and lost only 31 pounds.
On the other hand, let's say a person weighs 500 pounds and needs to lose 350 pounds to be at their goal weight. Their body can handle the massive weight loss because there is so much more to lose. Therefore, they can lose 70 pounds of fat without going into shock.
I hope this helps! Everyone, please hang in there! We are May babies and we can do this!
I had my surgery on May 3 and I have lost about 39 lbs. I feel like it is going really slow, too. I dropped 20 lbs. during the two week liquid stage, but then it REALLY SLOWED down. I am frustrated a bit, but I keep sticking with the things on the menu.
I am working hard to get the 64 oz. in, and it has gotten easier since I now can eat three meals a day. Before it was six small meals and that is tough to do. What a great board... I just found it.
Don't know at what weight you started, but that has a lot to do with the speed of loss too. The people who are reporting 70#s in two months probably started at a much higher weight.
Look at what percentage of your starting weight you have lost. I, for example, started at 292 and am down 41#s. That's 14% of my original weight. If someone who started at 500 loses 70#s, that's also 14%.
This is why it's dangerous and self-defeating to compare numbers with others.
Hang in there!