May-ers Poll
1. I am 6.5 weeks post-op
2. Lap RnY
3. California
4. 30
5. I wore sexy undies and got some nookie...3 times in 2 days!!!
6. Nooooooo...I'm at a steenkeen plateau....dangitall...
7. Unjury blended with OJ, frozen strawberries and frozen pineapple.
8. Pureed (but I'm a cheater - I just chew REALLY REALLY well).
9. Watermelon is a no-no for me....weird.
10. Yes, some. I work 2 jobs, and have 2 kids, so time is thin.
11. I want to be able to buy a size 12 or 14 dress for my husband's high school reunion in October.
12. Nope..nada. I just wish I could lose as fast as others.
1. How far post-op are you? 5 Weeks Tomorrow
2. What surgery did you have? Lap RNY
3. State/country you live in? Minnesota
4. Age? 28
5. What was your first (second, etc) WOW moment since surgery? TODAY - my husband kindly told me that the butt of my pants was way to saggy and I needed to buy a new pair. I bravly went to New York and Company (a "normal" store) and bought a pair of 18's (down from a 24)!
6. Have you reached any of your intermediate goals yet? (Fit into a favorite piece of clothing? Be able to walk a mile without getting winded? Reach a specific number on the scale?) I started with a personal trainer on Monday!
7. What is your favorite (or most tolerable) protein supplement? Aitkins
8. What stage diet are you on? still on "mushy" foods
9. What food just isn't working for you yet? nothing so far, but I havn't tried much
10. Are you exercising? If so, what are you doing and how much? 6 days a week, cardio and strength training with a trainer
11. What is your next intermediate goal(s)? Just to stay positive
12. How are people reacting to the changes in you? No negative
13. Do you have any regrets about the surgery? NO WAY
1. Eight weeks post-op
2. Laproscopic RNY, no gallbladder removal
3. Beautiful Maryland, land of the blue crab
4. 40. How'd I get to be 40?
5. First major wow moment was buttoning/zipping up a size 28 skirt that I could barely get on pre-op. It fit. Second major wow moment was tugging on the skirt, then pulling it off... while it was still buttoned and zipped.
6. No specific goals set - that would have required thinking.
7. Nectar iced tea, yum
8. I'm now cleared to try anything and everything (except carbonation, of course)
9. Chocolate or vanilla protein powders - I've lost my taste for chocolate and vanilla! Otherwise, no problems with anything yet.
10. Treadmill and strength training at the gym, recumbent bike at home, need to get a lot more of both
11. My next goal is to hit 199... 29 pounds to go.
12. My friends don't know! I told only one friend before surgery, plus another friend last weekend. No one else has a clue. They're computer geeks and scientists, so I don't expect them to notice until I'm wearing a size 8. And even then... "Did you change your hair color?"
13. Why didn't I do this years ago?!?

Wow so much to answer tooooo. Here it goes.
1. 5 weeks and 4 days
2. Open RYN resection
3. Iowa, USA
4. 31 years
5. When I took my measurements and really seen the difference in inches lost. The second wow moment was seeing how much space I now have between the stearing wheel and myself.
6. Haven't reached my goal of getting under 300 yet, but I think that will only be a day or so.
7. Well I don't think any protein is tolerable. I have to force it down. I found none of the milk base proteins work for me, but I did find one that can be mixed in any liquid and is flavor less(does not make it chunky or thick)GNC Pro Performance, whey protein,unflavored, instantized
8. Pureed
9. Most food doesn't agree with me, so it's easy to say what does. Shrimp, turkey&tuna(which I really don't like), cottage cheese, yogart, Tex Mex style Chilli, tofu
10. Exercising pretty much every day. I do water aerobics 4 days a week for 45 min, then walk 1.5 miles when I am not doing water aerobics.
11. To reach 260 by Sept., feel great and energized
12. People are curious. Since I started off at 334, people aren't yet noticing the weight difference much. They all say I have a glow about me and appear so much healthier.
13. I sometimes just miss being able to just eat normally and not get sick. It is to early right now for me to be trully honest. If I would have had a seeing glass and know all the obstacles and pain that it has taken to get to today, I would probably not have had this surgery. Then again I have to remind myself what brought me to this point. I have tried everything and nothing stuck. I think in six-nine months I will be singing a different tune.

1. Well, I am 5 weeks and 2 days post op. (Tuesday, 6 weeks)
2. I had Open RNYin Winston Salem, NC
3. I live in Raleigh, NC
4. I am 31 years old
5. I realized that I have an attractive neck and I look great in my business suits.
6. My first goal was to lower my blood pressure and perhaps get off of the medication. Each visit it is decreasing and my PCP thinks that in a month I will be completly off of the medication.
7. I like Carb Options Chocolate Delight
8. I am basically on soft/regular foods as tolerated.
9. Boiled eggs seem to not work for me right now! I hope that will change.
10. I walk the malls and look in the Missses section because that is my next stop as I continue to lose. I swim twice a week.
11. My next goal is to begin a routine exercise program to assist with the weight loss a little better.
12. My immediate family is enjoying the new look and have complemented alot. My husband has lost 15 pounds on his own. We are a sugar-free family. My professional family hasn't seen me yet, as I am a school administrator and I go back to work the first of August.
13. I still miss food but I know that "what God has for me, it is for me!" This surgery was my destiny.
May-ers Poll
1. How far post-op are you? 4 weeks, 2 days
2. What surgery did you have? Lap RNY
3. State/country you live in? Michigan
4. Age? 36
5. What was your first (second, etc) WOW moment since surgery? I took my body measurements at 3 weeks post op and I had lost a whole inch from my neck!
6. Have you reached any of your intermediate goals yet? (Fit into a favorite piece of clothing? Be able to walk a mile without getting winded? Reach a specific number on the scale?) I am now starting to fit into summer clothes that I couldn't wear last summer!
7. What is your favorite (or most tolerable) protein supplement? Beneprotien and Atkins protien bars
8. What stage diet are you on? Soft foods/Regular foods as tolerated
9. What food just isn't working for you yet? I've been very fortunate that I haven't had a lot of problems with food ... the only thing I can think of is that peanut butter just doesn't taste like it used to
10. Are you exercising? If so, what are you doing and how much? Walking - both on treadmill and when I'm out and about
11. What is your next intermediate goal(s)? We have a wedding at the end of August and I'd like to be at 250 lbs by then
12. How are people reacting to the changes in you? I didn't tell many people I was having surgery and those I did tell, haven't seen me. My husband tells me all the time that he sees me getting smaller and he often says it is hard for him to keep his hands off me! Woo hoo!
13. Do you have any regrets about the surgery? Nope, I just wish I was a faster loser like some people who have posted (I know, I know ... I'm not supposed to compare).

1. How far post-op are you? 7 weeks
2. What surgery did you have? lap RNY
3. State/country you live in? California
4. Age? 36
5. What was your first (second, etc) WOW moment since surgery? Seeing that I really do have ankles! They were so swollen before and I had major pitting edema.
6. Have you reached any of your intermediate goals yet? (Fit into a favorite piece of clothing? Be able to walk a mile without getting winded? Reach a specific number on the scale?) Not yet, but looking forward to hitting 50 pounds! I'm at 48 now, so hoping to hit it next Wed when I weigh in.
7. What is your favorite (or most tolerable) protein supplement? Chocolate Unjury
8. What stage diet are you on? Regular/soft foods now
9. What food just isn't working for you yet? I have a hard time with eggs, beef, salmon and nuts---nuts are evil right now!
10. Are you exercising? If so, what are you doing and how much? Just walking, but I would love to join a gym and swim swim swim!
11. What is your next intermediate goal(s)? I haven't really set any goals yet. The weight seems to be coming off fairly easy so I'm just taking it a week at a time.
12. How are people reacting to the changes in you? People are finally starting to notice. People at work have been commenting on my thinner face and my husband said that he is starting to notice too, which is a big thing! He usually doesn't notice for awhile.
13. Do you have any regrets about the surgery? None whatsoever! Wish I had done it years ago.
1. 7 weeks post-op
2. Rny
3. Texas..we are our own country...well we were for a little bit
4. 30...aggggggh
5. First, My husband spooned with me one night while he was sleeping, he woke up and said, "Whoa, I thought I was in bed with another woman. I don't remember feeling your waist go in that much!" Woo hoo for me
Second, my mother-in-law who NEVER says anything nice to me said, "Wow, you've lost a lot of weight."
6. I can cross my legs. My wedding rind is SLIDING off my finger. I'm not so tired and sitting on the floor with my kiddos doesn't bother me.
7. Matrix 5.0 in Perfectly Chocolate mixed with 14 g. protein milk
8. My stage: Last week of pureed, whoopee
9. Everything agrees with me except something in a SF fudgesicle
10. I exercise about 5 times a week by walking 45 minutes in the mall and I also do handheld weights.
11. Well, I've lost 38 pounds which puts me from 221 to 183...I can't wait to be at 175. I haven't seen those numbers in 4 years at my daughter's First bday party. She'll be 5 on July I think I might be there again if not smaller.
12. Hubby loves it and although he always says I was pretty and beautiful he says it even more. My mom and sisters are just amazed how much 'the baby of the family' is shrinking.
13. Real I hate the pain I had to go through a few weeks after surgery but it was fixed quickly. I do get tired of all the vitamins and remembering to take them but no big regrets.
1. 7 weeks this past Wed.
2. Lap RNY+stricture
3. of the 111 degree daily temps
4. Another 31 year old here.
5. The loss of my first chin, and being able to fit into chairs with arms
6. Able to fit into some of my older wardrobe, and able to walk the halls of the hospital where I work without puffing like a locomotive.
7. Isopure pre-mixed bottles of nice CLEAR flavored protein drinks
8. Just started solids today...kinda nervous
9. Haven't found anything that I can't eat YET.
10. Walk 1 mile + 5-7 days/wk, and do resistance/weight training 5 days
11. Next goal: fit into the next size down wardrobe and focus on the overall goals of health.
12. I don't expect anyone to notice that isn't aware of my surgery. Last time I lost a great deal of weight, aquaintances didn't notice until around the -90lb mark. But, the people who know are very complimentary!
13. Despite the stricture, NOT A SINGLE REGRET FOR A SINGLE MOMENT! Some fears maybe, but no regrets.
1. How far post-op are you? Six weeks
2. What surgery did you have? Lap RNY
3. State/country you live in? Virginia
4. Age? 28
5. What was your first (second, etc) WOW moment since surgery? My first came when I went to buy a new pair of sandles. I was two weeks out and went to the size 10 aisle just like always, but the size 10's didn't fit!? I ended up in the 8 1/2 section trying on even the most hideous pairs of shoes that I could find just because I was in shock that all of the 8 1/2's were fitting! My son was laughing and grabbing shoes and saying, "Try these on!" He was tickle for me! I'm surprised that security wasn't called on the crazy women in the shoe department.
6. Have you reached any of your intermediate goals yet? I couldn't wait to break past the thirty pound mark for some reason. I accomplished this Monday when I stepped on the scale and it said that I had lost 31 pounds.
7. What is your favorite (or most tolerable) protein supplement? I really struggle with this. I wish that I could tolerate those really high protein GNC, etc shakes, but so far Oscar (that's my pouches name...Oscar the grouchy pouch) only accepts Carnation Instant Breakfast made with Carb Countdown Milk of course.
8. What stage diet are you on? I'm on the soft/pureed diet for two more weeks. I can't wait!
9. What food just isn't working for you yet? Red meat and chicken kinda bother me. I can tolerate chicken on occasion, but the red meat really works on me.
10. Are you exercising? If so, what are you doing and how much? Not as much as I should. I try to get in a mile walk with my kids every afternoon. We walk a path around my neighborhood. My son rides his scooter and I push my baby girl in her stroller. I made sure that the path that we take has some hill and inclines in it so I get a little more of a workout (especially pushing a 28 pound girl in a full size stroller)!
11. What is your next intermediate goal(s)? I'm working on the 50 pound mark. One thing that I don't do is set that I am to reach that mark by a certain date. I'm afraid if I did that and then hit a plateau and didn't reach it on time, I might get too discouraged. So I just set a number and shoot for it!
12. How are people reacting to the changes in you? My coworkers and close friends and family have been very supportive. Other's that simply know I have had the surgery, but are clueless as to exactly what the surgery is kinda get on my nerves. They seem to think that this was going to be an immediate results surgery. For example, my mom had several of her coworkers ask her the day after my surgery how much weight that I had lost. My daughter's daycare workers asked her if I had lost all of the weight that I wanted to. That kinda messed with my head and scared me when I thought about going back out into public. I was afraid that everyone would think that I had failed.
13. Do you have any regrets about the surgery? If you had asked me this question during the first four weeks, I would have said, "Yes, what the heck have I done!" My mom said those were my first words to her when they wheeled me into ICU. However, things have really smoothed out now and I am totally happy that I have had this life saving surgery.