Procrastination can be a good thing....
I'm as organized and anal as can be in my professional life. In my personal life however....
I'm Kate, and I'm a procrastinator.. "Hi, Kate"...
I did my winter clothes changeout last night. You know, taking sweaters and such out of the closets and drawers and replacing with cooler/lighter clothing.
As I was packing away size 26 clothes I came to the realization that I will never have to open these boxes again. I'm 6 weeks out and I've am swimming in 24's. I actually started to tear up I was sooo happy.
Luckily for me, I kept all the clothes as I expanded from 12 to 26. Most have come back into style. And it's easier to take-in than take-out a seam.
Here's to the little moments that re-inforce our WLS decision.
Kate Z
My name is Gina and I'm a procrastinator.
I've cleaned out half of my closet, purging it of the clothes that are now too big, bit teh drawers and other half of the closet are still waiting. I'm also a pack rat. I have clothing from a size 28 to a size 5 (I only ate 1 meal a week for almost 2 years...bad call). At least my wardrobe will change as I do...
Luck to you all!!!