Smells? Just Curious?
Well I have a curious question and am wondering if anyone else has this come up. Following the surgery I had an extreme heighten sense of smell, which combined with my nausea made it difficult for me. I am told this is normal. (the smell part) During my stay at the hospital anytime anyone with perfume, strong smelling lotion, moisturizer, shampoo, body wash got close I wanted to
. Now 5 weeks out a lover of perfume, cologne, floral shampoo's, and bodywash I find I can't use any of these anymore because most smells make me nauseas. (I get told it's like being pregnant, and no I am not pregant)
So back to my first question. Anyone else have this problem?

Sabrina - I too have a heightened sense of smell since surgery. I've always had a very good smeller but it's stronger now. I don't find myself getting to sick over it, but that means I'm an even pickier eatter. If it can't get past my nose there is no way I'm gonna be able to swallow it.
VITAMINS - NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!! They all STINK soooooo bad to me. I'm looking for a liquid to add to juice to try. Same with most protein. Even the unflavored - has a strong smell to me!!!!!!!!! I have to make myself try to drink it.
I don't know if this gets easier with time or not, but I sure hope so!!!
I am right there with you. Uhg, just thinking about it gets THE POUCH grumbling. I keep saying THE POUCH (who, btw, is NOT my friend) has definately taken over the nose!
I fan myself or sometimes have to lie down because of it.
And I too feel pregnant, I had terrible sickness 24/7 with all 3 of my pregnancies. My doc even asked if I was pg and I told him not unless something happened in surgery he hasn't told me about... he got reallll quiet... LOL
Good luck to us both,
I have to say that my nose has become more sensitive since surgery. I'm a single mom of an eight year old and a 22 month old so needless to say, I'm on constant diaper duty when it comes to the 22 month old. I never gagged before when I changed her butt, but there have been a couple of times when I have come close to puking just trying to change it!