Glad I lost some weight!
I have an older car that I've driven for about 4 years now. A couple of years ago, the front left corner of the seat broke from the body of the car and has been loose ever since. This was directly due to my getting in and then have to "scrooch" around to get comfortable, due to my large weight. I had the car in the shop last night and had this fixed along with the other repairs (finally!). WELL! I get in and WOW! I forgot what a truly straight seat feels like! Holy cow! I'm MUCH closer to the steering wheel than I used to be. If I had not had the surgery, I would not be able to drive my car anymore!!!! But the 69 lbs. I've lost help me not only to fit in okay, but still have several inches between me and the wheel.
So today the word of the day is....WHEW!

Congratulations Tom! I know how wonderful this is as this will also be a milestone for me, when I can move the seat of my car from it's farthest back position closer to the steering wheel, so I can get my stomach in. I'm not there yet, but, I'm on the way soon. I already have noticed more room!