Honesty poll

on 6/27/05 11:58 am - Lititz, PA
Dina! I had the same experience, only with a flour tortilla. I'm supposed to be allowed to have them now, but I had one Saturday morning and whoa nelly! did I have PAIN in my chest for about 2 hours. I had to use a cup as a spitoon while I kept spitting up foaming saliva. I never threw up, but wow did that NOT feel good!
Dina G
on 6/27/05 10:06 pm - Windham, CT
Tom- Awful, just awful. I think with breads they just become a ball of dough that sits in the pouch feeling like its going to kill us. I've read on the main board that some of the people further post-op than we are keep doing this with bread products at the one year mark and beyond. I tried a low-carb wheat tortilla (found it at Wal-mart) and that worked for me. They have some protein and fiber in them, which doesn't hurt. I think its the absence of the refined white flour though that makes them tolerable. All I know, Tom, is that I NEVER want to feel like that again! Warm Wishes, Dina
Andrea B.
on 6/27/05 1:33 pm - Slayton, MN
It does seem like all of our surgeons had/have us on different diets! I was cleared the day I left the hospital to have grinded/pureed or well chewed foods. I have had almost anything that I wanted since surgery. I guess it started 1 week out when I had a checkup with my surgeon and had to go to lunch and come back for my lab results. I had 1/3 a burger king kids cheeseburger and maybe 4 fries. I did not feel good after, but I cannot say that I have not had BK since. For me I had this surgery because it wasent a "diet" like low carb or south beach. I can have whatever I want. I cant have very much, but I can have some. It has been fun "playing" with sugar. I like reading labels and thinking "one serving has 17 grams of sugar and I can only eat maybe 1/2 a serving so I will be fine!". I like measuring my spenda blend for baking in my 1/2 cup of morning coffee and making it so its just 10g of sugar. I can say that I have yet to have a full on dumping episode. Also, if I do have a "craving" for a food, many times I can just think of how it tastes and eating a big bite of it and I'll be fine. If I am thinking of one food for more than a week (usually sweets) I will get some and have a little so I can stop thinking about it. I have found out thru frustration with Burger King TCBY not having a no sugar added varity for the 3rd day in a row that I can have a kids cup of white chocolate mousse with no trouble. Honestly, I wish I did have trouble with more foods, its like electric shock you dont want to have it again!
Julie Froggerfly
on 6/27/05 3:37 pm - Tucson, AZ
Shhhhh...sometimes, when no one's looking, I chew up some of the macaroni & cheese or ravioli that I'm fixing for my son's dinner and then spit it out like crazy without swallowing! That's a real no no for me, since I'm bulimic, and that's a form of binging and purging.
future former fat chick
on 6/27/05 11:08 pm - Baltimore, MD
I have cheated. My doc said NO MASHED POTATOES!!! So what was the first thing I made when I got to the pureed stage? Thaaaaaat's right.. mashed potatoes with butter. They were so good! Also, I tried to eat a few Doritos, but the first one got stuck and I foamed for hours.... No mre after that.
Becky Sue
on 6/28/05 1:28 am - Fort Wayne, IN
Until Saturday night, I could have proudly puffed up my chest and said "Nope, not me..." then, I went to a party.... I'm on 3 oz, 3 meals a day currently, w/ no allowed snacking. Well, I had dinner Saturday night and then stopped by a friend's house later on in the evening. Now, typically, I have a SF popscicle in the evening (which is allowed) but since I was at her house, I didn't get my 'fix'. She had SO MUCH FOOD! Chicken and burgers and hotdogs and beans and salad and a billion kinds of chips and dips and salsa and cookies and GEEZOW!!! So, I broke down, took a tiny cake plate, put about a teaspoon of spinach dip and a teaspoon of crab dip on the plate, grabbed a single pita chip, and got the HELL out of the kitchen. I don't feel bad though, I made a choice to eat it, I made a smart choice by taking a very small amount and then moving on. In the past, I would have stood there in the kitchen continually grabbing and dipping and sampling. This is a lifestyle change, not a life-long diet.
on 6/28/05 4:38 am - Aurora, CO
I have to agree with the last post. This is a life style change not a life long diet. I have on occasion cheated. When we buy fast food for the kids for dinner I will snag a fry or two. I've had a small nibble of a cookie or a chili cheese frito (did you know their was protein in them...hmmm...doesn't that make it ok??No well too bad they really tasted yummy). My biggest issue in the beginning is that I became texture sensitive and many foods just had this new texture about them that made me sick to my stomach. I haven't had pizza yet but that is just because pizza doesn't appeal to me. I do love reading the different things our doc/nuts say that we can and cannot eat. I can have carbs or salads as long as I'm not over my calorie goal and as long as I'm getting my protein in. For Kaiser it is protein first and watch the calories. Of course their is the usual only so many grams of sugar and such. For the most part I stick to that. But the occasional handfull of popcorn is awsome. I also found this new Bryers ice cream that has no added sugar that wasn't half bad. I so far have only gotten sick once since my surgery and I think it was caused by jelly. My favorite food is peanut butter and jelly sandwitches. Well one night I just couln't get the thought of one out of my head and so I made a half. That did work so well for me. But on the other hand peanut butter toast goes down just fine. Well I guess you could say that I've cheated just a bit. Sometimes I wish foods would affect me just a little bit more but they don't so I have to rely on my Life Changes that I'm making and realize that I'm human and it is ok to reward yourself once in a while for really good behavior. Just not all the time or in great quantity.
Kiwi Drop
on 6/28/05 6:14 am - Dover, DE
I CHEATED TOO. I had a slice of pizza. It was brocolli and cheese and it tasted so good. I felt bad afterwards, not bad like stomach bad, but "why did I eat that" bad. I didn't eat the crust and I wiped the grease off. One thing that I do is if I'm going to have something that maybe a , I'll say "listen you can only have this much." My nutrictionist said it's ok to try things, but just make sure you use PORTION CONTROL. So although I had a slice of pizza, I didn't eat the three I used to eat or the crust that I used to love (OK still love that crust).
on 6/29/05 3:11 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Yep. I've cheated. I've eaten things I shouldn't, like beef (as in Hamburger Helper type stuff), but it sits better than chicken and turkey! We had spaghetti last night and it was wonderful! I only had about 3 baby bites, but it was great! I make my own sauce, so I was careful with the spices. I think I'd go nuts if I followed his orders exactly all of the time. Sometimes I pay for my cheating (spend time in the bathroom with my head in the bowl), sometimes I am ok.
on 7/1/05 1:32 am - Atlanta, GA
Yes, I have cheated. I have tried sf life savers, sf cookies, and sf ice cream. They had a party at work yesterday and I was about to try a itty bitty piece. But a couple of people who knew I had the surgery were present and I didn't eat it. Oh, and I have tried some chicken nuggets. No wonder I'm a slow loser. Do you think I need therapy?
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