Honesty poll
LOL! I was b*tched out bad by my nutritionist for eating HULL LESS KERNEL LESS popcorn, its called PUFF CORN and its .88 at Wal Mart. I love this stuff and I am taking the bag to my nutritionist and asking her what the hell is so wrong with eating a few bites of this stuff. I think my biggest cheat thus far has been the apple juice my nutritionist told me to drink to induce dumping. What a dumb idea that was, and it didnt even work! I drank 2 servings (8 oz. each) of apple juice at 26g of sugar per serving and had NO PROBLEMS! Not even a fart! This is just my luck, I get the surgery to lose weight and my bowels get clogged so I retain all this crap! lol Someone pass the chocolate...

On clear liquids (2 weeks) I didn't cheat. I've on cheated while I was on full liquids which was for 4 weeks. Which I got off of the 23rd of June. I ate some cheese. LOL! I just had to. And a lil bread. Didn't cheat until like a week, then felt bad so stopped. Haven't cheated on pureed ****il Aug 4 (3 months out)).
May 13, 2005
21 yrs old, 5'1
231 / 197 / 120
I'm a big, fat, hairy CHEATER! I'm supposed to be on only pureeds, but I've tried several non-pureed foods. None in excess, though (as though I have a choice). I've also had a bit of chocolate. Made me feel sick for 2 hours (hey...it melts, so by default isn't it pureed? No? Well, darn!). Yep, I cheat. But I'm getting better....

I thought this Question/Post was going to make me feel better but it hasn't.
Not one person here has cheated like I have cheated. About 1 week out I ate by sucking--10 cheese puffs, 4 potato chips and 5 chili/cheese fritos. Dumped like crazy, but I still do it.
Also have eaten 1/2 of a whopper junior and on 5 or 6 occasions I have eaten about 5 french fries.
Last night ate a whole slice of small pizza + couple bites my grand daughter didn't eat.
Last week decided to try Baskin/Robbins Non-Fat Mocha Cappacino Blast made with non-fat yogurt. Hey, Weigh****chers said it was only 2 points. While they were making it I asked for nutrionial info and saw non fat--okay -- but 43 grams of sugar! Fool that I am, I still drank 3/4 of the small cup (probably 6 oz) before dumping for 2 hours. (in my jeans--had to bathe and everything). But yet I saved the last 2 oz in the freezer for another day. Saving to dump another day--SICK SICK SICK!
I always get sick, but can't seem to stop my OCD. Now I know, I am the ONLY SICK PUPPY HERE!
My nutrionist wants me to seek therapy but can't imagine they can help me. I am so worried that I will stop losing and gain it back plus more again.
Hey Paula,
Looks like we had the same eating habits, only difference is I didn't dump. I have cheated big time, and I have good days and bad days. If I want a brownie I eat a brownie. The thing that has helped me is to understand why I was eating the way I was, and slowly but surely therapy is helping. I would recommend the idea to anyone who is open, it has helped me tremendously.
Good Luck, hang in there
Hey Heather,
I haven't cheated as far as eating foods (naughty foods) not on my list. I'll admit having some cottage cheese a day early than I was supposed to. The pureed diet has sure been hard and when I have to I just chew chew chew the hell out of moist food. Luckily this is my last week of it! Whoppee! Frankly, I'm Soooooooooooo afraid of dumping. I dumped once on a fat free/sugar free fudgesicle long ago. It wasn't as serious as some dumpings I hear about (just not feeling good and then feeling nauseous). After that, I've been so afraid of eating things on my no-no list.
My best friend had this surgery 3 years ago and she always reminds me, "Ana, when you feel like you want something you can't have now just remember in more months down the line you'll start to try more foods even chips and sweets. " She has dessert and munchies on occasion and when she deserves it. So I try to think of that.
I'm still not extremely hungry and starving like I used to be pre-op. I eat when I need to eat and that's enough for me.
Good luck on your continued journey and weight loss.
Good luck on your journey.
About 2 weeks ago I tried a bite of my boyfriend's croissant. I thought it would be wonderful. Well, it serves me right. It got stuck in my pouch and I was in great pain. I spit up a bunch of foam. I learned my lesson and will be walking the straight and narrow for the next while. I hope that I don't forget how bad it felt (physically and emotionally) to stray from my plan.