OMG! I just found this group of people who had surgery in the same month as me! OMG OMG, I have been feeling HORRIBLE for the past two weeks because I have gone from losing 29 lbs at 3 weeks to GAINING 8 lbs in two weeks! How does that happen? I have talked to several people and being on my cycle, being diabetic and living in AZ where its a gazillion wonder my body is holding on to everything! Especially water. Besides, how does one GAIN weight after having surgery only a few weeks ago? Very discouraging. Im feeling better today cycle ended so we will see where I am in two weeks and see if my body catches up to my mind.......where I wished I was at a 40 lbs loss by now........
My dr. mentioned that I should be at the 40 lb mark by the time I see him in mid-July. I do walk a few times a week and have been able to get about 75-90 grams of protein in a day and my fluids are not a problem. I get worried sometimes because on fitday I see that there are days when I take in 1200-1400 calories. Im scared I eat too much........but its small meals throughout the day.
Anyone else have similar issues? Or am I alone! gosh.........what an intense 5 weeks it has been for me!
It's so wierd to see how different doctors approch the amount of meals and such that we should be having.
I have gone through Kaiser and they after 2 weeks post op they only want you to have three meals a day and no more then 600 calories. I thought I was losing too slow but after reading these post I'm not doing so badly. I've lost 47 lbs since May 14th. My surgery was on May 17th but was required to do 3 days of liquids prior to surgery so I lost 15 lbs there. So I guess I've only lost 32 lbs. When I look at my numbers this way I'm just as slow. I really need to kick the work out into high gear and up those proteins. I don't think I'm even eating 600 calories a day at this point so adding a protein shake or two shouldn't hurt too much. Guess we'll see. Luckly my cycle didn't affect me. Although I skipped one all together and didn't know that I would.
Good Luck to all it's like a juggling act!!!

I'm right there with you.
My last checkup was only 26 lbs, that was last week. I wanted to cry. I'm still losing super slowly. My doctor said that as long as it keeps going down he isn't to worried about it, though. After all I have went thru from this surgery, I can't help but feel disappointed.
I know it will pick up again, at least I hope so, but the stalling is hard.