blah blah blah
Hello EVERYONE! I am bored so I thought I would post a few questions. I was wondering if anyone is eating Egg Salad yet. If so, what do you eat it on? (cracker, toast, spoon??) I want to eat some again, but I am not sure what to eat it on. I am 4 weeks 5 days post-op and have been feeling pretty good for the past 2 weeks. I eat 3-4 oz. of something every 4 hours (soups, cream of wheat, sf pudding, shrimp, chicken salad...) and drink a lot of water. My induced "dumping" did not work, so I fear sugar may not affect me. The only thing that makes me feel like hell and makes me vomit is my protein shakes and vitamins (flinstones and vitaballs). I want to take vitamins in a solid pill form, but want one that is small in size, so does anyone have any suggestions? My nutritionist suggested trying the solid pill form since I can tolerate ground beef. Has anyone tried the hull less, kernel less popcorn? I did and got in BIG trouble from my nutritionist when I mentioned it. Did anyone else get told NEVER AGAIN on nuts or hull less kernel less popcorn? I did. I thought I had discovered the lost world when I had that popcorn, it was to die for and had 0 fat and 0 carbs. Silly me for thinking I could enjoy something that good again. My big splurge these days is cream of wheat with a tbsp of sf preserves mixed in it. WOO HOO ME! I also tried the no sugar added fudgecicles and OMG its like a Frosty on a stick! Yummy!
When were you cleared to take a bubble bath? I havent been told I can so I havent tried it yet... but I just want to compare notes. I would love to go swimming too, and am not sure if I am allowed. Do any of you have a hard time pooping (like how I just threw that in there?) if you do, what has helped you this far? I tried EVERYTHING and nothing works on me... so I am just comparing notes again! lol I havent exactly started exercising yet either. Do any of you have a work out routine? I walk... seldom... but I walk! Its mostly around the mall or Target... because its just way too hot outside for me to attempt it. Does anyone have weird cravings? I am lusting after a bite of a cheeseburger. I have NEVER been a burger person and lately thats all that jogs through my mind. I have my next doctors appointment on Wednesday and hopefully I will get answers to all my questions (I have a list!) but in the mean time I just thought I would ask you all some of them. Thanks for replying if you do!

I take a liquid vitamins, it has an orange vanilla flavor. I take reg orange juice, fill the cup half way, fill it half with water, and put an ounce of the liquid vitamins in it. Even tho the OJ is half watered down the Vitamins add back the full flavor, i would never know it was anything other than OJ if somebody passed it to me and said drink. Worth a try, my doc told my not to take kids vitamins, dont know why other than candied up and less vitamins.
If your incisions are healed then you should be able to bathe and swim. Check with your doc if you have doubts.
I had egg salad early on and it was fine. I just ate it with a spoon - I haven't ventured into crackers yets. I had part of an omelette yesterday and that sat a bit harshly but didn't make a reappearance.
I chew two Fiber Choice tablets a day and don't seem to have digestive issues. I seem to be a "regular" kind of gal.
Best wishes,
Hey Kathy,
First I want to tell you that you're doing great! You've lost almost 30 pounds!!! I love egg salad. I try not to go over 2 crackers for a treat but most of the time I eat it alone and try to really enjoy the flavors. I saw that you eat shrimp....I haven't tried it yet. It was one of my favorite things pre-op. I also have not done popcorn just for fear that it will get stuck somewhere but was also told not to try that or nuts until 6 months out. As far as baths, I was cleared for water activities at 3 weeks and I go to the pool 3 times a week...of course we have to b/c it's so hot here in Texas. I'm also a 'regular' gal. Oh and I do 2 Flintstone's and 1200 of Cal. Citrate Chewables. I was on Optisource 4 x's a day; they are chewables that Carnie Wilson takes. I also walk the malls like you. I'm trying to do hand weights every night to avoid extra flabby arms.
As far as cravings, hmmm. I'd love a big slice of cheese pizza! I know one day I'll be able to eat that one slice again...just not any time soon,lol. I don't know if I answered them all. I'm still not very hungry most of the time. I eat b/c I know I have too and I'm satisfied easily.
Good luck in all that future shedding of fat!
Hey Kathy,
I too, do not dump off of sweets. Its been a lot of trial and error, but I can finally tolerate the ANYWHEY tastless protein, and the NECTAR drinks.I'm pretty regular now, and I have no problem swallowing about 10 pills a day, some pretty big. I finally had the bite of a cheeseburger yesterday, (no bread) and I didnt do to well with that. I would try the egg salad wrapped in lettuce perhaps. I haven't tried crackers yet. You're doing great. Keep it up...
Hi Kathy! Congrats on your weight loss so far!!
I take chewable Centrum vitamins - they're really orangy flavor. I have had egg salad and I've put it on ff Saltines or Wheat Thin Chips. Lettuce wraps would be good, too.
I'm with you in the exercise department. I'm a homeschooling mom and I take online college courses so I'm at home a lot, but if I go to the grocery or Wal-Mart or something I park way far away.
SF fudgesicles are GOOD!! One of my favorite treats right now (believe it or not) is my protein drinks. I bought a BUNCH of frozen fruit and I'll take my Nectar fuzzy navel flavor and slice up some frozen peaches in it and add a tiny bit of oj (like 1/4 to 1/2 cup) and blend it all up until it's thick. Last night I used the tropical fruit and added a scoop of vanilla protein powder and about 1/4 cup of oj - it was SOOO good! It's not quite as thick as a milk shake, but it's close. So yummy!!
I think cravings are normal. I've been totally craving tater tots, LOL!! I thought about cooking up 4-5 of them just to cut the craving. I was craving a Wendy's chili and cheese baked potato for a long time, so I finally went and got one (now, mind you, I've never had one before, but it just sounded like it would be good, LOL) and it wasn't nearly as good as I expected it to be. But, I cut the craving for it, LOL!
You're doing awesome! Way to go!
Hey Kathy congrats on the weight loss, I am 5weeks 5 days post op and I am loosing my mind thinking I am not losing fast enough or not eating right but I listen to my body I walk about 1 1/2 miles 3-5 times a week outside at the river but I jsut bought a treadmill and It is much harder on the treadmill. I was having a problem getting my protein in because I was not happy with any of the shakes
so I jsut made up in my mind that this is what I have to do. One in the morning and one at night the rest I try to get in food. I have had that pizza on slice from Domino's. By the time I finished it it was cold. So not as good as I remember, I take Flintstones and Have been cleared to tak tub bats and swim since my incision is fully healed. I did have poop problems but now I go every other day. I think it is the H2O and the choc shake every day. I am eating 1/2 to 1 cup per meal including veggies. SF fudgesicles are my fav too. SF pudding and flavored or mixed fruit applesauce is a great treat as well. my 9 weeks appointment is Friday I'd like to loose 4-6 lbs by then
Good Luck

SF Fudgecicles are my FAVORITE!
Swimming - I haven't been told that I can, but I haven't been told that I can't. I never really thought about it I guess.
Pooping - OMG! I'm having to drink milk of mag every other day just to get myself to go. It really bites! I'm hoping that this will pass.
Cravings - I would so love to have a cheeseburger with lettuce, ketchup, mayo, onions...where was I going with this...oh yeah, I can't have that.
This has been a big thing for me too. I'm not hungry at all, but these cravings are killing me. I wish that there was a way to satisfy them. I did manage to satisfy my pizza craving. Red Baron makes a carb works pizza that I took a couple of bites from this weekend. The crust is so thin, it's like dry toast or a cracker (which I have been cleared to eat). I suggest that when the time comes that you are cleared for stuff like this, try this kind! It only had 17 carbs (compared to a regular pizza, that's a huge difference) and it has 37 grams of protein!