6 Week Check-up
Just wanted to say HI to everyone and hope all are doing well. I had my 6 week check up today and I am down 46.4 lbs. I was so excited. I will admit I think I may have lost more in the past couple of days because it has been very hard for me to eat and drink. Everytime I eat or drink I get a really sharp pain in my chest that goes around to my back. Has anyone else had this problem. The dr said it could possibly be an ulcer. Said would try taking a tums before lunch and dinner for the next week or 2 and see how that goes. It it doesn't help he might have to do a scope and see if he sees anything. Everyone else let me know how ya'll are doing.
From one six-week Heather to another, that is terrific!!
I am at 25 lbs. and am thrilled!
I am sorry to hear about the pain when you eat or drink. Is gallbladder an option? I had pain in my diaphragm area - that would be in the middle of my torso about below where my ribs meet - then shot around to the back. That was usually after I ate or even early in the a.m.
I had it taken out last year and haven't had a problem since.
Your surgeon/Dr. will get to the bottom of it.
Congratulations again on your success!
Heather in VA