Went from Great to Really BAD
I was doing so very well. I followed the instructions, ate what I was supposed to and them WHAM my life wa**** with something aweful.
We've been in a major crisis. I am literally SICK over it!!! I can't eat hardly anything. I can't drink hardly anything. It's 2:00pm and I've eaten a scrambled egg - That's IT!! I have gotten in about 15 oz of water. This is how it's been every day!! My urine is a light brownish color and I'm not taking any vitamins at this point. This past week I've lost 10 lbs. but it isn't in a good way. I tried protein drink (that I loved before this happened) and
I didn't get down more than three sips. I've tried all the foods that I like and can't eat any of them.
I'm so affraid that when I see the surgeon tomorrow he's gonna be mad at me. I know I couldn't handle someone be littling me at this point!!! I don't know what else to do. I can let him put me in the hospital for a few hours to rehydrate me but I can't be admitted for a day or more. I don't have anyone to take care of my kids!!
If you're one to pray, please pray for me to get better soon. I'm all my kids got now and I need to be there for them!!!!
Laurie - down 39 lbs.

I am so sorry you are going through such a rough time. Now that we have done this surgery, we have to treat eating and drinking as a medical procedure, whether we want to or not. I'm glad you are seeing your surgeon tomorrow. Whatever he has to say, please try not to take it as belittling, rather, deep concern for your well being.
We all care about your well being!
Hi Laurie - I was also doing great and went tor really bad. I called my surgeon after a couple of days, because I kept getting worse and taking in less. I had a scope yesterday morning and they found a stricture, they had to use a balloon to dilate. This was an outpatient visit, I was only at the endo center in Houston for about 2 hours. I am on a full liquid diet till about 9:00 am today and then can try soft solids again.
Anyway, if you want more information email, but whatever you do CALL your surgeon, I was getting dehydrated fast, when I saw my surgeon late yesterday afternoon, he said if this could happen again and to make sure I call as soon as I start having problems, because if you wait to long and the opening closes up completely, it could result in a several day hospital stay.
Best of Luck.