my experience has been soooo different......
Hi, Michelle:
Just finished reading your profile. You have had a lot more work involved with getting your surgery then I did. I have an HMO so was assigned a surgeon that has a GREAT reputation. I had co-morbidity so that didn't slow me down.
I admire all the work you went through to get your surgery.
The reason I went to your profile because I wanted to find out where you live. I thought I'd like to call and maybe visit one day. But, alas, I live across the water, way up in North Bend, WA, near Snoqualmie Pass.
I will continue to read and enjoy your postings.
About 1 week out I ate by sucking--10 cheese puffs, 4 potato chips and 5 chili/cheese fritos. Dumped like crazy, but I still do it.
Also have eaten 1/2 of a whopper junior and on 5 or 6 occasions I have eaten about 5 french fries.
Last night ate a whole slice of small pizza + couple bites my grand daughter didn't eat.
Last week decided to try Baskin/Robbins Non-Fat Mocha Cappacino Blast made with non-fat yogurt. Hey, Weigh****chers said it was only 2 points. While they were making it I asked for nutrionial info and saw non fat--okay -- but 43 grams of sugar! Fool that I am, I still drank 3/4 of the small cup (probably 6 oz) before dumping for 2 hours. (in my jeans--had to bathe and everything). But yet I saved the last 2 oz in the freezer for another day. Saving to dump another day--SICK SICK SICK!
I always get sick, but can't seem to stop my OCD. Now I know, I am the ONLY SICK PUPPY HERE!
My nutrionist wants me to seek therapy but can't imagine they can help me. I am so worried that I will stop losing and gain it back plus more again.
Hi Bethannie:
If there's something wrong with you then there's something wrong with me. LOL I had my surgery on 5/24/05...nothing I've tried has made me sick. Only problem I've had was ham....which was too dry and got stuck for a few minutes. I've had a small piece of pizza WITH the problem....this evening had a few TB's of pasta/veggie medley with my problem. I can take normal bites...but if I take too many close together I get that "golf ball" feeling in my chest. I've felt so guilty...but now realize that everyone is different. I haven't tried sugar yet....afraid of dumping so I'm going to ASSUME I do and try to avoid large amounts of sugar, although I did take a small bite of a key lime bar I made for my son.
Just keep doing as great as you are and relax.
Lap RNY 5/24/05