my experience has been soooo different......
from everything that I am hearing on this board. I almost feel like an outcast and that I shouldn't say anything.
I am tolerating everything just fine. Even the foods that I am not suppose to try, and oh' yes, I have cheated. I have tried a couple bites of mac n' cheese, some mostacolli, whole chicken breast. There are a few things that don't completely agree with me but nothing major. I even ate a Nilla waffer the other day and nothing happened. I also have no problem with taking normal bites. I chew pretty good but nothing major.
So far, my biggest problem is having to have my drain hole re-opened next week because it is healing all wrong.
Is there something wrong with me?

I think that your experience is more "normal" than those who have had complications. I, too, am breezing through this. I haven't experimented with a lot of different foods, but what I have tried has been fine.
I am working on eating more slowly now that I am on solids. I did have two instances of major pain behind my sternum which I attributed to either eating too fast or not chewing enough.
It's like when you are pregnant and everyone shares their horror stories, but not their good stories. Be more vocal about the positive!
Take care,

I've spent a lot of years (too many!) in tech support, and the customers who called in were the ones who were having problems. No one called in to say, "hey, your product works great, just calling to let you know I'm a happy customer!" It's the same thing here - people tend to post when they have problems or questions, not when things are going smoothly. (well, then there are the wow moments, which I love reading!)
My experience is quite similar to yours - nothing has really bothered my pouch, even the things I probably shouldn't have tried (and that list is longer than I'd care to admit
). I try to take small bites, but frequently take normal ones and just chew thoroughly (but not obsessively). My body has always healed quickly, my stomach has always been cast-iron, and my surgeon is very experienced and highly skilled - this combination has made the whole post-op experience pretty painless (literally as well as figuratively).
So anyway, there's nothing wrong with you.

I haven't dared to try sugar yet! My husband is betting that I won't dump, since I tolerate everything else so well. And that's why I'm afraid to try it...
Sugar has never really been my craving, though. I want SALT, lots of it. Salty crunchy things are my true addiction, and *of course* my pouch has no problems with potato chips. (yes, I had to try them) Pickles are my favorite, though, and munching them allows me to indulge my sodium lust without adding unneeded calories/fat/carbs. Right now I'm really, really craving pickles, which means PMS is right around the corner...
I hate olives - which is weird, because I love salty things so much and really love a good strong olive oil! Every once in a while I'll try them again and... bleah.
Okay, this may be in part because I lived in northern California for a few years. The apartment complex was planted with many lovely, mature olive trees, which were normally sprayed to prevent fruiting. One year, management forgot to spray. For several months, there were rotting olives covering my balcony, squished rotting olives coating the sidewalks (and thus my shoes), and whole olives falling onto my head.
I realllllllllly hate olives.

Things are also going well for me. I went to my first support group meeting last night and almost felt embarrassed to admit it had been so easy for me, when the other "newbies" were quite miserable with vomiting and tolerating foods.
We just need to be grateful, I guess! We still have lots of work to do!
Bethannie - I've had ZERO problems myself. I have only thrown up twice - once when I got something stuck (cottage cheese of all things) and once when I tried a Michaelina's (sp?) diet pizza - two bites and it swelled tremendously and I
way more than the 2 bites I ate! So, I knew it had swollen.
I was supposed to be on pureeds until next week, but I quit that at like 3-1/2 to 4 weeks. Couldn't take it anymore - everytime I'd go to eat something I would literally gag because of the texture. I've had crackers, rice (in soup), spaghetti, and today I tried multi-grain toast (only a little less than 1/2 slice with no crust) all with no problems at all. I also tried a teensy bit of pb yesterday (the Skippy Carb Options) and was okay with it. I've not tried any sugar because (like someone else said) I'm almost afraid I WON'T dump on it. Sugar has not been a big problem of mine, but fast foods and high fatty foods, those were my big-time struggle. I've not tried any of those either - just one time I got an Arby's wrap and ate only the turkey and bacon. Oh, I also got a Wendy's chili and cheese potato and ate a little less than 1/4 of that - it was okay, but not nearly as good as the french fries my hubby and kids had. That was hard not to taste those.
My only problem has been that I was quite tired ALL the time, so I upped my B-12 with my docs okay.
I went for my 6 week ckup (it was on my 7 week date, but it was technically my 6 week check up) and I was given the green light physically - no restrictions for activities which I was glad about. I've been wanting to do weight lifting and attempt running. We're going bowling tonight!! The doc was very happy with my progress and would like to see me at a total of 70 pounds lost by my next check-up Aug. 23rd. I'm down 38 now, so I can see that happening especially since I got the go-ahead on all sorts of exercise.
Anyway, That's me for now!!