losing slow

on 6/22/05 11:42 am - covington, GA
this week i am 6 wks out and i have only lost 28 pounds. really bums me out, i was hoping for faster results. on top of losing slowly i have terrible constipation, ive tried everything and since protein takes up all of my eating theres no room for fiber. right now im taking citrucell and its working ooo-kay but theres room for improvement. im wondering does this have any thing to do with my losing so slow. i just dont know what im doing wrong, please help?
on 6/22/05 12:21 pm - Silver Spring, MD
If it makes you feel any better, I'm seven weeks out and only down 23 pounds! Some people just lose slower than others, and there's not a lot we can do about it. Are you getting enough protein? Are you getting enough water? Are you getting enough calories? If the answer to all three questions is "yes", then you'll just have to be patient. Yeah, it stinks, and it drives me crazy too. But we both just have to focus on the positive. Are you taking measurements? Are your clothes getting loose? In your profile, you say you've lost a pant size - that's terrific!
Sally S.
on 6/23/05 1:11 am - Orlando, FL
Dear Candy, Hey Girl...I feel your pain!!! Slow to loose and constipation! I went for my 4 week check up yesterday and have only lost 11 pounds post-op, 33 lbs since I started the pre-op diet! BUT......I feel like I've lost 50 lbs!!! I checked my BMI chart and I've gone from a BMI of 62 to 52! My body feels great and I am moving without difficulty.....even able to move around at night in the bed without feeling "beached"! Today I moved 2 "bricks" out so maybe I lost another 11 lbs! LOL! I have started adding fiber to the protein shakes and going to see if that clears things up! All I can do is think about just where I would be if I hadn't had the surgery! Probably up 11 lbs! Hang in there.......it will happen! I am trying to up the excercise ante and see if this old body can't kick in a little more to the fat burning game! LOL! God Bless! Sally RNY 5/24/05 318/285
Janean J.
on 6/23/05 7:03 am - Deer Park, NY
Hi Candy, Well, I just got home from the Dr. I'm 5 weeks out. The first week I lost 14 pounds and then in the past 4 weeks I lost 12. So that's 26 in 5 weeks. I looked disappointed and the Dr. told me it's right on target. He usually sees a 8-13lb weight loss a month after the first week. Janean
Gina M.
on 6/23/05 7:19 am - San Dimas , CA
I hear you. I fluctuate between a 22 and 25 pound loss (I think that's jus****er), and I'm 1 month out today. I wi**** were going faster; I wi**** ALL THE TIME - out loud- , but I'm feeling better and looking better (I have a face again). I even had lots of sex w/ DH, which, as a "fluffy person", you know is a milestone! Slow losing sucks, but it's a h&LL of alot better than not losing at all, or worse: GAINING! Hang in there. I'm riding the same rollercoaster you are, so we can see each other through this! Cheers~ Gina - RnY - 5/23
Kimber L.
on 6/23/05 9:44 pm - Angleton, TX
Me too! I am 6 1/2 weeks out and down only 28 lbs., I saw my surgeon yesterday and he was happy, but I wi**** would come off faster. I've also battled with constipation, I found tha****ermelon (of all things ) is working best for me. It was on my soft solid list, so for the last couple of weeks, I just make sure I get a little watermelon in and I am staying fairly regular now. Who know's??? But it works better that adding fiber to my protein. Just a suggestion. Kimber
Mimi B.
on 6/24/05 12:12 am - Carrollton, VA
CRAP!!! (pun intended) I am 6 weeks out and down 25 lbs. and I am DEEEEE-LIGHTED !!! You should all be doing jigs about your success!!! Also, here is the magic bullet, so to speak, for constipation: All Bran Extra Fiber (by Kellogg's I think) . Cereal. or as my husband fondly refers to it - "Colon Blow Cereal" 1 cup is two servings and 100 calories. It provides 104% of the daily fiber requirement. Add 1 c. of skim milk at 90 calories and that is 10 grams of protein. I let it sit for about 1/2 an hour in the a.m. while I walk and it gets extremely soft and mushy and like nothing to chew or swallow. This keeps me as regular as a clock . There are two brands of this cereal - some stores don't carry the Extra Fiber version. I now go to the chain of stores that does. Anyhoo, that's my 2 cents... Heather
Mimi B.
on 6/24/05 12:27 am - Carrollton, VA
Ya know, I went back and read and realized you all are RNYers - so I guess you would expect the weight loss to be greater right off the bat. Sorry for not realizing that sooner ... I still think any loss is a great success! Heather
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