Fruit and Salads
My doctor has me on a more conservative approach. 1 week before surgery and 1 week after I was on clear liquids. Then 3 weeks on full liquids. Just yesterday, I moved to the soft/pureed food stage and am supposed to eat that for 6 weeks. I can have fruit, pureed or soft, and vegetables, but, they must be cooked and pureed. I am dying for a salad as I ate a lot of them before the surgery, but, I'm told to wait until I'm 3 months out. Today, though, I had salmon, potatoes and zucchini, all very moist and pretty much pureed. Felt so great to eat some "real" food!
I just had my seven week check-up yesterday and I was told that I could have salads in about 2 weeks. However, I was still supposed to be on pureeds until next week but haven't been pureeing since about week 4. I will likely wait for a week or two, but will eat some softer veggies like cucumbers (peeled and seeds scooped out), I have had some cantalope (it was very soft), I've had bananas blenderized in a smoothie as well as frozen peaches. That's about all that I've tried so far. Oh, I did steam some cauliflower and that was yummy!!