Major whining
I go back to the dr on Thursday and might have to have the endoscopy again, third time is a charm?, on Friday. He is going to consult with the other surgeon first and see what he thinks and then let me know Thursday. I don't know what the next step might even be if those don't work. I've been afraid to ask. I am still bruised from the last one, all of the IV attempts.
Right now, I feel like dog doo. I should be thin as a rail since I haven't been able to eat and drink like I am supposed to. Not even close. I want to kick, scream and cry so badly that it isn't funny. I'm trying to be adult about this, but it isn't working anymore. It's after midnight and except for 4 small bites of potato salad, and a piece of string cheese, I haven't eaten anything since sometime yesterday, and both made me feel sick. Even my milk and apple juice are making me wanna throw up. Nothing wants to sit very well.
My monthly cycle has now lasted almost 2 weeks. My system is so screwed up it isn't even funny. I'm exhausted, but I can't sleep. I was cramping so badly that I took my Lortab again and even that didn't knock me out, and it usually does. At least it killed my cramps for a few hours.
Anyway, I'm gonna play Sims 2 for a while. At least I can control their lives since I can't do squat about my own. It's either that or sit here and bawl some more but I don't want to wake up Matt. He's worried about me enough as it is. I just wanna get off of this rollercoaster, ya know?