Dizziness or Lightheaded????
Why are you drinking sugary liquids?
Do you feel dizzy and lightheaded at some point after drinking the sugary stuff, or do you feel that way all the time? If it's the former, then it sounds like dumping syndrome. If the latter, give your surgeon a call if you've stopped the biotin and Actigall but still get dizzy.
I feel lightheaded when I get dehydrated, and it goes away after I drink some water. How's your water intake?
Ah, if you were working out a lot AND were getting as few calories as the typical new post-op, that would account for the lightheaded feeling. I know from experience that it's hard to just take it easy when you feel perfectly normal... but you have to remember that you're not normal yet. Your body is still healing from major surgery!
Yes, nothing but cardio at first. I wasn't allowed to resume strength training until six weeks post-op (no abdominal wor****il 3 months, though).
HI Carrie,
I had surgery the day before you did and I have had that feeling of getting lite headed and dizzy several times. Once when I was experiencing dumping syndrome after trying some ice cream (high in sugar, low in fat)
I got really dizzy. Several other times occurred after having
and not being able to eat and I became dehydrated. I find these days that if I let myself go to long between meals I get shaky and a little light headed. ( still only taking in 300-450 cal a day)
Take it easy Carrie make sure to drink plenty of fluids and call your doctor. Regardless if it is dumping syndrome or not if you just quit some important meds and having these signs you should tell your doctor. Better to be on the safe side then be some where such as driving and black out.
Hope you get feeling better.