5 weeks out....
And I can finally say I feel like my old self again. My family is sooo happy about this. They say my whinning has just about stopped
. I finally found a protien I like, my vitamin and water regiment down and can finally go walking without collapsing when I get home. And this weekend is the first weekend I didn't need a nap to recouperate from simple task!! All around I just feel more like me. I was getting worried there for a moment because I start back work next week. Is any one else feeling like there old self yet!!!

I'm 4 weeks out and I felt like you did. I came back to work the 2nd week but my job is a desk job and not too stressful this time of year. I was getting bored at home. Anyway, in the last few days, I finally felt like my energy level was just about normal again. I was beginning to wonder. I'm hoping to start a daily exercise regimin at the gym starting in July. I'm trying to get in the habit of doing them at home now.
Hey! Glad you are feeling like your old self again! Tomorrow is 4 weeks out for me.....and I feel great! I do take a nap or two in the day, but then why not! Fortunately I have the summer off except for school....so I am blessed with time and more time to heal. But I really do feel well, I can't believe how good I feel.........better than the old me!! LOL!
God Bless!