18 days in hospital

jim Y.
on 6/20/05 12:39 am - lewistown, PA
i had my bypass surgery on 5-24-05 and i was home on 5-26,everything going great,at least i thought.ended up back in the geisinger e r on 5-31 with severe pain and a temp of 104.7apparently discharged to home with a leak!!!!!now all through the program we are told that a leak is a risk,that requires another surgery to repair.well my surgeonswent in removed the abcess and chose to let the leak heal on its own(THEY FIGURE ABOUT A WEEK)well i have been20 days post op,i still have the leak,im npo(Have been since5-31) I HAVE A FEEDING TUBE I HAVE A JP DRAIN AND I HAVE A 8 INCH OPEN INCISION ON MY ABDOMEN.i am very depressed about this whole situation.im not writing this to get you to feel sorry for me,i just want you to know what can go wrong.maybe i wouldnt be so upset if i would have had some idea about what was going to happen to me.none of these procedures were ever discussed with me,i just woke up and there it was.i hope everyone else is doing great i will get through this it will just take longer,thanks for stopping by,jim
Becky Sue
on 6/20/05 12:56 am - Fort Wayne, IN
Jim I'm so sorry you're experiencing complications. We all go in knowing the risks but that doesn't help one bit when we actually experience them. I hope that the remainder of your recovery is speedy and painless! Becky
on 6/20/05 1:33 am - ocala, FL
Jim, in the grand scale of things hopefully this will seem like a small price to pay to have a skinny healthy life. I have not heard how she has faired but, there was a msg on the main board from a nurse at a hospital (i believe). She had a paitent re-admited for the same complication about 3 weeks ago, she didnt seem to fair as well. She has been in ICU from what sounds to be terminal damage from her leakage, she made it sound like her organs were shutting down. Im just glad to hear you caught it fast enough, and your doctor did what he thought was needed to save your health. I share in the incision as my original surgery was open, and just got rid of my last tube last week. Hope to return to work a week from today. I wish you well, hang in there it will get better.
on 6/20/05 10:34 am - Magna, UT
Jim, I am so sorry you have had to go through all of this! I know you will get through this, like you say you will. I spent a whole lotta time preparing for this surgery, really learning about all the risks. I went into it thinking the worst would happen to me. It hasn't and I'm very grateful, but, your story is a reminder to us all what can happen! We are all pulling for you! Lori
Sally S.
on 6/20/05 11:20 am - Orlando, FL
Dear Jim, God am I sorry to hear about your complications! How awful for you.....and I'm sending up a prayer that you heal quickly now and return to robust health. Question....sounds like you were in and out of the hospital! Did they do a endoscopic swallow study on you to check for leaks before they let you eat? I can barely remember it, but I remember being very relieved that I passed it, because it meant I wouldn't have to return to the OR. I came home with a gastric tube for emergency feedings and to relieve gastric acids/gas.....it was pretty gross! I was happy to have it pulled at my 2 week check up.......and I had a JP drain pulled on the third day post-op in the hospital before I was discharged.....the hole it left took almost 3 weeks to heal up completely. My "war buddy" had his RNY done the day before me and he had an infection at one of the lap incision sites....he is still having wet saline pack dressing changes 3 times a day. I am so sorry you are having such a rough time......hang in there....you just got to! Think about brighter days ahead and stay on top of your health care! Direct your healing.......be an active partner in your miracle! God Bless! Sally 5/24/05
on 6/21/05 1:23 am - Ridge, NY
SORRY to hear of your compliation. ((HUG)) and bst wishes for a speedy recovery! LISA
on 6/21/05 3:14 am - Arlington, TX
Jim I can totally relate. I was in the hospital for 15 days. At first it was thought that I had a pacreatic infection. Turns out that I had several open pockets of fluid under my incision, which had a small opening. I have been at home with a wound vac for 2 weeks now and have made treamendous progress. Has your surgeon talked about this? It will help you heal much faster. I will say a prayer for you. Keep you spirits up(I kn ow its hard)it really does help in you overall healing. Maureeniiieee
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