Trouble with Chicken Breast?

on 6/19/05 10:31 am - greensboro, NC
I have been having little to no trouble with my food. I get my protein in every day and have been drinking my water. I added chicken breast this week and twice this week I threw it up. I haven't thrown up since my surgery. I did everything right, tiny bites, soft chicken, eat slowly, but it just didn't work. Anyone else have any trouble with chicken? I read on someones profile (forget who) that described a similar problem with chicken breast but not dark meat chicken. If you can eat chicken do you have a specific food that you can't tolerate? Thanks Jen
Kathy & Rich
on 6/19/05 10:36 am - Fairfax, VA
How was the chicken cooked, Jen? Was it really moist? Did you have sauce or gravy on it? Chicken can be very, very dry and will dry out fast. It is important to put moist things in our pouches. Beyond that...if you are eating it and it is moist...perhaps you just need to wait a while and try to introduce it at a later time. There are many that have trouble with chicken (others have problems with beef). I was doing great on all foods tried thus far including chicken but I now have a stricture so I'm only eating soup and protein shakes. It feels like a slow running drain. I'm very lucky that it isn't completely blocked and all is coming back up. I have an endoscopy tomorrow to fix it (dialate the stoma). Kathy
on 6/19/05 12:19 pm - greensboro, NC
Kathy Thanks for your comment, my chicken was so wet it coulda been soup! I think I will just forget about it for a while. Good luck tomarrow, I know it will go well Jen
Dina G
on 6/19/05 11:04 pm - Windham, CT
Jen, I had my surger on May 13th. I, too, can eat just about anything on my nutritionist's list without much trouble. I'm having some trouble with chicken, too. I can eat deli sliced chicken, but last week had problems twice with grilled chicken (yes they were small bites, yes I chewed them to nothing). The first time I just had some pain after a few small bites and it passed after 40 minutes. The other time I called my doctor and was instructed to drink meat tenderizer because it had gotten stuck for over 2 vomitus hours!! I found if I cut if up really small for chicken salad and added light mayo, it works fine for me. Also, I had taken my chicken breasts and thinned them into cutlets. I then pounded them with the wooden meat mallet to make them more tender. I egged them and breaded them with the new low carb bread crumbs and baked them. I ate a half of one (with a little fresh lemon - yummy!!) of these cutlets and that worked out well, too. Good luck!! -Dina
on 6/20/05 5:27 am - Magna, UT
Dina, My friend who had the surgery 4 years ago, suggested Papaya Enzyme instead of meat tenderizer. It is much better. They have it at GNC. Lori
Dina G
on 6/20/05 5:36 am - Windham, CT
Good tip. I've heard Kathy (of Kathy and Rich) talk about that in a post. Do you drink it? Does it taste okay?
on 6/20/05 10:28 am - Magna, UT
Dina, It is chewable tablets. And not yucky chewables either. I have tried it and it really helps! Lori
Dina G
on 6/20/05 10:30 am - Windham, CT
Thanks, Lori! I need to check this out. The meat tenderizer was "gag"able. Best, Dina
on 6/20/05 2:21 am - ames, IA
Hi Jennifer, No your not the only one with problems. I also have problems with chicken. I am 4 weeks out and no matter how wet and soupy the mixture is it comes right back up. I go to a support group where I live and the other members warned me that they also had problems early on and it wasn't till 3-4 months they were able to introduce it. Two stated that even after a year they still can't eat chicken. I personally found seafood and cottage cheese are the only things that stay down for me. ---Sabrina
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