ANother question: who is NOT plateauing?
Yay thanks Dina, and I'm so glad my 'twin sister' is back on the losing team...
Maybe I'll try MORE liquids? Doing quite a bit of water but there's always room for improvement.
I'd love some coffee... maybe can start with that.
I've been hovering between 375.5 and 378 for about 2 weeks now... very discouraging given all I've been through. Maybe I should give up on the extra calories and have a 'diet'.
Come on now; this is getting boring.

Yesterday was 5 weeks for me and I'm down 41 pounds so far. I won't let myself step on the scales unless it's Wednesday. I know it would depress me to step on every day and not see a loss. Here is my progress so far:
Week 1: 20 pounds
Week 2: 7 pounds
Week 3: 3 pounds
Week 4: 5 pounds
Week 5: 6 pounds
Hi Cyndi
I do the same thing (officially) -- I weigh myself each Monday morning fo rmy "official" weight each week. (Mind you, I have stepped on the scale almost everyday, just to check.)
Starting weight: 441 (at hospital morning of surgery, although I use 446 because I was pretty much at that weight for several weeks beforehand)
Week 1: 428 (-13)
Week 2: 418 (-23)
Week 3: 406 (-35)
Week 4: 398 (-43)
Week 5: 394 (-47)
Week 6 (so far): 391 (-50)
As you can see, I slowed down but haven't yet "stalled." During week 5, I did see 5 consecutive days where the scale didn't move. But hey... it's not an exact science. The weight loss won't be "straight-line" (if I may lapse into accounting lingo).
That's why we shouldn't go nuts looking at the scales. And we shouldn't be so quick to label a brief stall as a "plateau." The word alone creates frustration. "I'm failing, I'm doing things wrong, I'm the only person who ever had the surgery who lost 20 pounds and stopped! Whaaaah, Ricky!!" (I'm sorry that may have sounded cruel, but I was going for humor.)
The point is, if you continue doing what you're supposed to do, you will succeed. Don't worry about the little stalls, you'll get past them. Hang in there!
Joe D.
Distal RNY (open) 5/9/05 Dr. Iqbal
I'm glad I joined the website today. I'm finding alot of "may-ers" are having the same thoughts and self doubt that I am. I have "stalled" also. I thought maybe I wasn't doing enough moving around. Wish I was back at work!! But, I am finishing unpacking and putting things away at my new house. I haven't seen the scale move in about 1 week and thought "here we go another failure". I know I should be happy that I have lost 40 lbs in my first month but, just like a junkie.. I want lose more that is....I want to see the needle move.. Hey... It's a hand me down scale.. maybe my mom broke it and then gave it to me..haha...I'm just really happy to know that this is normal and I'll just keep plugging away..P.s. How the heck can you get down 64 oz of water a day plus protein shakes PLUS eat????
Wow, 40 lbs your first month... this is the kind of thing that makes me doubt myself. I started out so heavy; I feel like I should have been in the big losers club.
Know what you mean about wondering how you eat that much... unfortunately the carbs go down really easy.
Also I've started craving food again, but I think that's partly because I'm so depressed and disappointed over my current situation. But it's also because I have to be eating constantly, so now I'm used to it. I never used to be much of a grazer.
This wouldn't bother me so much except I have so far to go, and I had heard all about the 'golden period' where the weight just falls off you for the first 3-4 months. The first 2 weeks were golden indeed, and then...
I'm just trying to keep myself from being as discouraged and disappointed and panicked as I feel. I've failed so many times, and I was so hopeful, so this is a big letdown for me. :sniffle:
I am really hoping to see that scale or tape measure move.
Anyone who's broken the spell, please let me know! I'm dying to find a way out of this mental and physical funk.