week 5/22 post opers

annrenee black
on 6/11/05 10:45 am - Dallas, TX
Hey guys I got my official weight. I am down 21 pounds after 2 weeks. How much have you guys lost. Week 3 here I come!!!!! Also how are you guys working out. I am walking the interior of my kitchen and livingroom 4 times a day, about 7 rounds at a time, its too hot in Dallas too walk outside. I also get in 64 oz + a day of water. Unfortunately my body does not accept protein shakes. So far none has worked for me, they make me physically ill and on top of that im lactose intolerant. And might I add chocolate gives me migranes plus i hate the taste of chocolate. So any suggestions would be welcomed. Someone told me i may just have to get it through beans which i love and pureed fish until I can at least have protein bars or get to the 6th week when i can get it from food. Morgan
~*Ellen H.
on 6/11/05 2:08 pm - Western, MA
I have lost 25 lbs at my 2 week check up, 21 of them durring the first week, I am kinda feeling like I have hit that dreaded plateu that people talk about for weeks 3-5. I also am lactose intolerant post op, I bought the Lactaid milk, that works well for me As far as shakes go, I like the UnJury unflavored kind, you can add it to soup and beans, I like it in my SF pudding. They also make a vanilla if you dont like chocolate, you can order just a sample packet from the web sight to see if you can stand it without wasting all that money. Hope that helped! Ellen
on 6/11/05 9:21 pm - Pembroke Pines, FL
Tomorrow will be 3 weeks for me and the scale says 33 lbs down since surgery. I am on soft foods and have had no trouble eating anything so far. My portions run between 2-4 oz and I am having 2 protein shakes a day plus a min of 60oz of water or Crystal Light. Yesterday I cooked up a batch of chili and portioned them into 4 oz containers , then popped them into the freezer. I can use them for lunch or dinner when I dont feel like cooking. I really cant get down all the quanities my nutrionist gave me, so I eat what I can. I went out with my friends for lunch this week to an Italian Restaurant and ordered 2 meatballs ( I figured they were protein) I was able to get 1/2 a meatball down and a few tablespoons of chicken soup broth. I gave the unfinished meatball away. Right now it really does not pay to go to a restaurant because even if I order just a little bit, I still cant fini**** Why pay 8 bucks for lunch if you cant eat it Ken
on 6/12/05 4:25 am - Boonville, MO
How are you getting your protein in? If you do not get enough protein, one of the consequences is losing your hair. You have to have protein and the vitamins! You could try different protein drinks, I have found one that is absolutely delicious and tastes like kool aid: Protidiet. You need to get with your Dr. or nutrtionist and see what suggestions they may have for you. YOu need at least 50 grams of protein a day every day. Of course I am due to have the surgery Tuesday, so I am a stickler when it comes to following every single rule LOL Hugs and good luck
annrenee black
on 6/12/05 4:51 am - Dallas, TX
That kind of sounded like a flame and I don't do flames, just to preface my reply. Nora believe it or not the majority of people who have RNY are pretty proficient in terms of knowing the need for protein as well as the consequences of not getting enough. I am glad that you did find a source of protein, many of us find something that works before surgery as did I. However, as you may or may not know your tastes can and may change post surgery. What you can tolerate today in terms of texture and tastes very well may not be tolerable afterwards. If you read many of the boards you will find that there are a small minority of RNYr's that cannot tolerate protein drinks--- they make us physically ill. Twelve protein drinks down the line and none being a successful endeavor I can safely say I am one of them. My protein now comes from cheese, fish, and other meat sources, as well as beans. So no I am not running on protein empty however I am not getting in as much as I should. Wishing you well on your upcoming surgery. Morgan
on 6/12/05 5:07 am - Boonville, MO
You know what? You are absolutely right! I really never thought it like that.....I would be devestated if I found out I could not tolerate the drinks! I am sorry if I came across as a flame, I didn't mean to, I was just afraid for you is all. I guess if the same happens to me I will have to find different sources as well. I know in one of our support group meetings, they showed us a small bottle of protein drops and another thing of protein that I am also interested in because if I could get the protein I need in the beginning with the drops, it would be easier. I am sorry if I came across too strong, I just have a big heart and don't want anyone to come to harm. Hugs to you and good luck!
annrenee black
on 6/12/05 12:47 pm - Dallas, TX
Nora. no problem at all and I hope I didn't come off rude to you in my reply. It's just frustrating knowing that you need something and you aren't able to tolerate it. As time goes on im sure it will get better. A friend of mine just told me about a drink that has 15 grms per 1 oz. But thank you for caring. Morgan
Gina M.
on 6/13/05 4:35 am - San Dimas , CA
Nora, Can you find out what the little bottle of protein with the dropper was? I could REALLY use that!!! I'm having trouble getting the protein in, too. I thought all would be well...I had no trouble with any of it pre-op, but $500 later, post-op, the protein makes me sick. I still choke ti down most days, but it makes my tummy hurt and I have to fight with my natural reflex to gag in order to keep it down....eeew!!! Help? Gina
on 6/13/05 4:55 am - Boonville, MO
I will find out after surgery tomorrow. They showed it to us at a support meeting and told us the hospital sells it and sometimes offers it to patients after surgery. I will be sure and find out for you! Hugs
on 6/12/05 5:46 am - Magna, UT
Hi Morgan, Sounds like you are doing great! I am only going to weigh myself on Wednesdays so I have to wait 3 more days before I can get a read on where I am right now. I lost 20 lbs in the pre-surgery phase, changing eating habits, going off diet coke, etc, and then the 5 days of clear liquid diet. One week out of the hospital and I'd lost 14 more lbs. Then last week, it was a disappointing 3.5 lbs. I really don't feel any different. I'm keeping track of everything I eat in fitday.com (I bought the one that you put on your own pc). It really helps me track things. I find it hard to believe that I have no hunger at less than 1000 calories a day, but, it is true. I'm trying to make sure that whatever I do eat is packed with nutrition. It is a new job for me. Keep up the good work! Lori
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