Rotting Garbage...
There were few things that used to smell as good as fresh McDonald's. I can remember times I drove past one and caught a whiff of french fries. I know that there were times when I was really hungry, went through the drive through and practically drooled while waiting for my food.
So how come today, it made me wanna
I stopped to pick up a cheeseburger for my 10yo who, of course, was STARVING. It was late and he hadn't eaten, so I relented. I was a little hungry myself and hoped it wouldn't be a problem. By the time we got to the pick-up window, I was grinning like a loon trying to force back the gag reflex.
I asked my son what he smelled and he said "MMMmmmm... French fries..."
Litterally smelled like rotting garbage to me...

I had sort of the same experience on my first day home from surgery 3 weeks ago.
My family was grilling out hamburgers, My fav way of having them, sliced onions, seasoning, wraped in tin foil and slapped on the grill. I used to love the smell of burgers fresh off the grill that way. When my dad brought in the buggers, it smelt like rotting flesh, wow just ruined any craving i had for them.
I cant say i have that problem now, but then again i try to be in other places when they eat.
I'm the opposite. I'd LOVE to dig into a Quarter Pounder with cheese, loaded, but I know I can't. No way I could stomach that mess, but I can dream. LOL I've been tempted to try a fliet of fish, minus the bun, but haven't had the nerve.
Afraid it will make me sick. I'm not much of a fish eater. I bought some that is supposed to taste like cod, not overly fishy, but I haven't tried it. Not sure what to do with it, exactly. There is a restaurant back home, MCL Cafeteria, that makes Baked Cod and I love it! Of course, they won't tell me how they do it. It's "secret" or something.