Time Saving Hint
Hi Guys,
I've picked up a little trick that helps me save some time and $$. A large baby food company (GBR), makes a product called "Stages". The stage 1 baby food comes in 2.5 ounce plactic containers and the stage 2 comes in 3.5 ounce. I bought some baby pears, banana, peaches, etc, for when I got home from the hospital. I've saved the containers and now use them to throw my servings in. It's a fast easy way to get the right portions without the measuring/weighing mess. I didn't have to buy small expensive "plasticware" and I'm recycling.
Hope this helps some other busy people.
Kate Z

Only one word of advice when using those containers: they leak. Put plastic wrap on before you put the lid on - that helps. If you try to bring them to lunch, though, they will leak. The plastic and the glass BOTH leak, and the metal lids rust on the glass ones, too. Not good for transport. However, if you make your pureed stuff, then freeze it in the plastic baby food containers, you can transport it (if you move rather fast) before it melts and you don't have to worry about leakage. Just tryin' ta help!
Gina - RnY - 5/23