how much should i be eating?
I tend to eat not more than 2 oz. at a time. If it's really soft foods like applesauce I notice I can eat more. I'm on the pureed stage and today I pureed tuna salad. I could eat 1 1/2 oz. and 2 crackers and I was stuffed!!! I've been trying to measure out my pureed stuff so I don't overdo it. I can eat almost all of 1 scrambled egg. Everything agrees with me so far. Don't know if that helps. We're 2 days apart!
I can eat like 2 crackers and like 2 slices of cheese. But things like applesauce I can eat 3-4 oz. I had salmon tonight and ate 3 oz. I get those little cans of chicken (3 oz) and I can eat a whole one of those with a slice of cheese. It really depends on what it is as to how much I can eat. It also depends on the day. Some days I just can't eat much of anything.
Hi Lynn,
I'm really sticking the the guidelines that my Nut set out. It was liquid protein and water only for the first 2 weeks, but starting this week I'm on 5 svgs of diced protein/day (plus 56oz of liquid) for the next 5 weeks.
Here is a sample of my daily diet. I prepair everything but breakfast the night before and keep it in a travel cooler. I just grab the cooler and go in the morning because I never know when I'll make it home again.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - protein fat calories
8am 1/4 cup egg substitute w/ 1oz fat free cheese 9g 0 65
9am 8oz COFFEE (decaf unfortunately) 0g 0 0
10am 2oz Cottage Cheese (w/pinnapple) 7g 1 50
11am 8oz of water or Crystal Light (lots of flavors) 0 0 0
Noon 2oz Tuna w/ 1tsp fat free mayo 14g 2 80
2pm 8oz of water or Crystal Light (lots of flavors) 0 0 0
3pm 8oz of Skim Milk 8g 0 85
5pm 2 slices of deli turkey (yum) 14g 6 120
6pm 8oz COFFEE (decaf unfortunately) 0g 0 0
7pm 1oz of fat free cheese (late night nibble) 4g 0 40
8pm 8oz of Skim Milk 8g 0 85
10-11 8oz water (bring it to bed and sip, sip, sip) 0 0 0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - protein fat calories
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - totals: .........64g.....9.....525
If I get out of wack, I throw in a SF CIB (15g protein) to ensure I'm getting enough protein.
It feels like I'm eating or drinking constantly. I'm not hungry. I do crave savory things. I was a spicy food junky... the hotter the better. I'm looking forward to re-introducing hot stuff in the Fall. I'm very suprised with myself. I'm committed to see this through and can already feel the difference after only 2-1/2 weeks.
Best of Luck to you Lynn and to all the May 2005 group.
It's great to be on the losing side.
Kate Z
(I refuse to get on the scale more than once a month I hate it and it hates me