Neither my surgeon nor the hospital program's nutritionist specifically discussed sodium. However, I have hypertension AND retain water like crazy, and thus watch my sodium intake carefully.
FitDay's Foods page doesn't track your sodium, but you can set it as a custom nutrition goal (click on the Goals icon) and see your intake by clicking on the Reports icon.
The general guideline is to stay under 2000mg daily, but that's incredibly difficult if you eat any processed foods. Four ounces of Vienna sausages, for example, contains about 1000mg of sodium.
Speak for yourself! I can exceed a week's recommended allowance of sodium with just one little deviled egg!
Salt is my great weakness. Give up sugar? No problem. No more soda ever? Hey, I can live with that. But take away my salt and you're living dangerously...
I'm trying but it's very difficult, especially at this food stage where few of the legal foods have any actual flavor.
I'm trying to cut back on salt and substitute other flavoring, but it's a perpetual battle! The salt-free seasonings from Mrs. Dash are pretty good on meats and veggies (especially the garlic and herb), but they do little for "food" like low-fat cream soup (yet another thing I will never, ever eat again, along with cottage cheese and Jell-O).