MEAT anyone?
Hey Melissa,
So far i've had tuna fish, chicken, and pork. Chicken can be iffy with me sometimes it just sits in my tummy like a rock same with the tuna, but i've had pork twice in the past few days and it seems to sit really well with me. My mother-in-law made a pork roast and I had some mashed potatoes, and slice of apple it was an actual meal it was great!!! Then last night my hubby made me a pork chop cut into small bites and more potatoes it was soooooooooooo good!!! One thing i've learned though is to take small bites to make sure you get it chewed well before you swallow. If you take too big of a bite it's almsot impossible to chew it all before you swallow. I haven't ventured into hamburger meat yet for some reason i'm leary of it. I may try soon though just s small bite to see how it sits is no fun.