what happened between stage 3 and 4?
Hi everyone! I'm new to this and if I weren't so desperate, I wouldn't have had the nerve to post this. Please tell me if this can be normal: My surgery was 5/3/05 and everything went great for up until my first doc's visit at 15 days after surgery. He put me on purees and it's been abdominal discomfort {bad] and chronic nausea. I finally had to go to the er and after x-rays and a cat scan they gave me fluids because I was very dehydrated. They said I was fine and that it was an adjustment period. Can "adjusting" be that bad or is someone missing something. I'd appreciate some help.
After reading some of the other postings, I'm amazed at all of you. The morale seems great. Good luck and God bless all of you. I can only hope to do as well.
Chylene, Thank you for your response. I was getting plenty of fluid until I started getting sick. After that I couldn't get it down. The pureed foods that I tried were applesauce, eggbeaters, and cottage cheese.
At the hospital they told me to try starting again and they gave me some anti-nausea medicine that I put under my tongue.
It seems to be a little better but I still haven't tried pureed. Even with the full liquid I am still getting the discomfort.
I am taking it very slow but it persists. I guess the main thing is to keep trying. I know it will get better but I guess I'm just a little tired of feeling sick all the time.
Thank you again. It really helps, thanks to all of you, to know that you're not alone.