Went in for checkup
Well had my checkup on Friday 17 days out and had lost drumroll please 31 lbs. I was so excited to see the number 403 almost back in the 300's but was wondering why I hadn't seen any change in my clothes or face. Well I guess I should expect it because I have gained almost 100 lbs in the past and have only gone up one clothing size. I hope it's not the same coming off but I will just be thankful it's coming off. Hope everyone else is doing great.

I was just thinking the same thing! I am schedualed for surgery 6/13 & am also over 400lbs. I realized that I have only gone up one size in 8 years! & I was under 300 than, maybe I just stretch out my clothes now. Carnie Wilson says to focus on excersizing as much as you can for the first 6 months as you will never lose weight that fast again. Good luck to you!
Well I really want to exercise but my doctor fussed at me already because I tried to go to the gym already so I'm going to wait the full 6 weeks before I start back. I really hate walking so I can't wait tio start step class again. I'm going to keep you in my thoughts please post updates after you have your surgery.