Protein that tast as good as it smells
Hey peps,Hello to all. I finally found a Protein mix that is GOOD. I had not been drinking any because it taste so bad,but I went to THE VITAMIN STORE and the girl behind the counter recommended MUSCLE MILK.I bought one in Banana Creme, once you open the container you can smell the banana and IT DOESNT TASTE MEDICINEY mmmmm folks you have to try this one it has 32grms of protein,you can mix with either milk or water. I think juice too.But I do recommend this to you. I hope you like.
HeY Kathy&Rich, It has CARBS:12g,SUGARS:6g Calories:in water 348-Milk638 Total Fat:18g. Its real good,but I think that you will have to get more then 1 flavor because you can get tired of the same tast AFTER AWHILE tho
.They have Cookies-N- Cream and Banana Strawberry and Mocha Joe and Vinilla and of course Chocolate. It cost about $29.99 and they have it a 30% off. Net.Wt.2.48 lbs(1125g). I hope this was helpfull.

Kathy, during my pre-op info seminar, a nurse who had this surgery 2.5 years ago with the same surgeon as I had, told us about Isopure Lite protein drink. I bought the Strawberries and Cream flavor. 50 grams Protein, 0 Carbs 0 sugars. Mix it with water. Some people don't think it tastes as good as others, but I actually like it. With the water it's not thick or rich but tastes okay. Can't tell you what the other flavors are like though.
mmmm I did Tuna on Wenesday and it was good. But ya know what my tast buds are not the same as before, I dont know hopefully they'll come back to normal. Anyways is the cookies n cream good? I had my protein with 2% milk and it made me bloated. It was my first time drinking it like that,I'm going to try it again and if it makes me bloated then I will try with water. It did make me full all morning.I think I'm ready for round 2. Ya see I hadnt had any protein for 2.5 weeks because I dont like the tast. I was drinking Trader Joes shakes in a can and I got tired of it. It was like glue YUK!.