I'm Home
Well, I had my Open RYN on Tuesday. I had to go open because of previous obdominal surgery and radiation to the abdominal cavitity twenty years ago, and I needed my gall bladder removed. Well, If it were up to me on tuesday, I said why, why did I do this. But each day has gotten better. Anyway, I'm home, sippin my protien...
the key is to keep moving and drink, drink, drink.
Retta in TN

Hi Rita,
I hope you are feeling better with each day that passes. I had my RYN on Tuesday as well. I really thought that the one area that was lacking in the hospital was their complete lack of attention on the "why did I do this" question. There was a sense of isolation and almost unreality about it at first. Did you feel that way? As each day passes, and as the weight drops away, I can more easily come to terms with my decision. Good health and fast recovery...Robyn from NYC