I'm Home
I'M home
Surgeon said my operation was "textbook"...and once I was able to have
liquids I drank everything they asked and walked constantly.....so I got to come
home today instead of tomorrow. Kinda sore....glad to be home. Not sure I'd
ever do it again but glad it's over. Will fill you in when I can sit here
LAP RNY, May 24th

Welcome, Welcome,Welcome

You will be feeling the "Why did I do this to myself"affects but it'll get better. I was the same way and there are times that I still say it but I dont really mean it(anymore)
There are alot of people that do mean it and they are 7months postop and I just wish they would get better,but I thank God that I am better compare to what I was feeling 2 weeks after surgery. I wish you the best and lets keep those that are feeling down in prayer.