Problems in general
I've posted before, but it's been a little bit. I had surgery May 2. I've lost at least 10 lbs, but haven't checked lately because my scale is so off.
I was dealt a big blow yesterday. I had to have my dog put to sleep.
She had cancer and was getting worse. It was the hardest thing that I think I had ever had to do. I did write a story about her last night.
And there is a picture of her on my profile page, , about halfway down.
I was so sick. I couldn't hardly keep a thing down. Today is sort of better, but the thought of food still makes me feel sick. I'm nursing a glass of milk now, but it isn't really settling like I'd like, either. Even plain water makes me gag. Hoping to keep something down soon or I may have to see my doctor.
The last thing I wanna do is have an IV put in, but if my stomach doesn't settle soon, I may not have a choice.
Thanks for your time. It's part of the reason I haven't been back here in a few days.

Lisa, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your special dog! When I checked your web site your dog looks just like a dog I had for 8 years and I had to have put to sleep. I feel your pain, and know how difficult it is and how much you must miss her. I will keep you in my prayers and also pray that you will be abale to drink and/or eat something that will be good for you. God bless.