nervous, tommrow is the day
i dont think im going to sleep tonight because im so nervous about my surgery. i have been on clear liquids today and its not to bad. i know once my girls go to sleep i will have nothing to do but worry. i dont go in until noon and surgery is at 1. i was hoping for a 7 o'clock so by noon it would be over but i guest there is a few before me. i want think everyone for the supportand i hope you all will still be there for me afterwards. i do know of one other person having surgery i think her name is lisa well im praying for her also. well i will talk to you all soon ok thanks again stephanie blaze

I was in your place just 1 week ago. I was very nervous and excited all at the same time. After my kids went to bed, i took the opportunity to go thru all my drawers and take inventory of what I had stashed away "just in case" I found a miracle weight loss oneday
. Just do some sorting and throw away some of that grandma underwear. I sure was able to sleep after that. I can even wear some things that were just too tight 1 week ago. every thing will be fine.

Will be thinking about all my fellow "Tommorrow'ers"
I'm heading for hospital at 6:00 a.m. My plan is to stay up late this evening....reading, watching a movie...just relaxing. Then I'll be too tired to worry in the morning. I know I won't sleep so I'm not going to fight it. All the best, Stephanie.......we can do this !!!!
May 24th, Lap RNY
Dr. Bruce Duke, Johnstown, PA

dont be nervous stephanie all is going to be well, I havent been in the site for awhile and I just happened to see your posting and I want you to know I will be thinking of you and know that when you get home you will see your life changed before your eyes and know this was the best thing you could of done for yourself and your family.