I'm depression and think want lose weight!
I did went to bypass surgury class last Friday May 20 and speech and expalined how surugy.. and many list for reason.. depend approve my insrunce.. I will appt with dr on June 9, 2005 12 45 pm.. I will find out.. disucss with them... I'm overweight 225.. and I have problem Hormance, ploycysit overy systome and I tried pregrant.. and I'm lazy tried tried differnt diet programs. I was bad habits.. i reall hard for me!! I neeed support And I did explained to my husband.. He said not need surgury.. better excrise.. I do understand.. I tried.. I have two kids I think and thinking hard for me. Let you know I'm deaf.. ummmm share with me..
Hi Tanaya,
I think we all understand the anxiety and fear that you are dealing with now. I too suffer from PCOS and hormone imbalance, which makes it so very hard to become pregnant. This is one of the main reasons I wanted to have this surgery.
As far as being lazy and trying different diet programs, I think we've all at one time or another fallen short of where we had hoped to be in terms of diet and exercise. I totally understand your frustration and conflict with your husband. My boyfriend, who has been athletic all his life ( an airforce captain) told me all I needed to do was eat right and exercise. He at this very moment is very upset with me for opting for this surgery. He doesn't support my decision at all and its become more and more evident with each passing day. But clearly I believe what I am doing is the best option. We are not married so my situation is a little different from yours. I would invite you to pray with and for your husband that he might get guidance and clarity. I would invite you both to pray together for clear answers. God can and will change things.
I know you are seeking support from people who have been there. I invite you to email me anytime youd like to vent. Sometimes it just helps to let others know what you are going through.
Know that I and so many others are praying for you.
I hope also that your next doctors visit brings you more clarity in terms of what your next step may be.
God bless you,
Morgan (((((HUGS)))))
Hello Tanaya,
My family was not very understanding about the surgery either. I am still going ahead though. Because it is just for you not them. I know that it can be hard with little family support but just remember that is what we are here for!
By the way, I studied ASL at EKU and my best friend who lives in St. Louis, MO is an interperter in ASL. =) Welcome to the board!
Tanaya you will be fine. God bless you. Your husband may need more info on the surgery. My husband was very supportive at first, and now its seems that he's not there for me anymore.But I have the OH board for allllll the support I need thanks board!! Tanaya you will too get thru this. I know my husband try's but still not enough for me lol.