How's all us Week 3's doing?????
I had open RNY micro pouch on the 19th. All went well and I was home on Saturday. I feel pretty good (considering I just had major surgery) I'm taking my Lortab every six hours and doing good.
Just a lot of walking and sipping, burping and finally today FARTING!!!!
(never thought I'd be glad about that)
How's everyone else doing?????????????????????????????????
I am doing much better too...I use my pain liquid JUST before I go to bed to help me sleep...but have been to the movies, the mall and cooked for the babies all but one night...I am SO happy to be FARTING and my burping is slowing down! Did ya'll get a corsett thing to wear? I have read some have...but not me ???
Glad to hear ya'll are doing good too...I am on liquids until Tuesday when I see my doc...but CANT WAIT!!!
love ya,

Doing well here also! Pain is almost gone, however I am still slow to get up and all - just really that lower left incision is bothering me - but no more pain meds since Friday early AM. I must say though I am so bored of this liquid phase. I have to be on full liquids until this Friday when I see my surgeon for my 1 week post-op and I can't wait. It's not at all that I am hungry or anything - I honestly haven't felt "hunger" since surgery - but my throat is almost starting to hurt from eating all this nothing really. The idea of of a little piece of cheese or ANYTHING with substance feels like a dream. Hopefully Friday won't take that long to get here. My protein shakes are getting harder and harder to get down - which is horrible because I know how much I need them. What is everyone doing to keep busy? I am 24 and single and just missing my corporate job SO much!!!
Glad to here everyone is doing so well - keep up the good work guys!!
hi, just wanted you to know that I am doing fine also.I had my surgery on May 9th and it is so strange that I am not physcially hungry.I see everyone eating but it doesnt bother me.Any ideas on how to make the protein shakes taste better.I have had some solid food ex: eggs,cheese and black beans but the protein shakes definately have the most protein.Keep up the good work, this was definately the best thing I could have done for myself.