so many of us less than 24 hrs...
OK- it is less than 24 hours away. I have a bladder infection and now pain in my chest- from muscle strain - between my breasts- an inflammation - I get sometimes. I think it is all nerves. I am on antibiotics - dr's orders. He sez it will all be ok... I have lupus too. So I am extremely nervous
Worse yet is the fact that I have literally no support and have not told anyone but my husband and mother (who think I am going to die and am crazy). I was up all night! But I do know what brought me to this point and how determined I was so there is no backing out now. I worry about complications- that is it. Well- I suppose everyone becomes this nervous because I HAVE NOTICED ALL MY CO-SURGERY BUDDIES ARE ALL IN THE SAME BOAT! Think I need to walk through the mall and keep busy. Any helpful chat would be appreciated... there are a few of us in the next 48 hours...Dawna H

My nervous are in a wreck also. I am scared I have never had surgery before or been in the hospital in this situation. I made a big post last night about it on the main board. But we will get through it. I have to be at the hospital at 6 tommorrow what about you.
Good luck! Cant wait to be on the losing side
18 yo 5'5 295
My surgery is tomorrow too. I feel nervous, but, not as nervous as I was about a month ago when my surgery got scheduled. I'm not sure why. I'm probably too brain dead to be nervous after being on this clear liquid diet all week. I have also been cleaning all day because I am a widow and live alone and I'm having a friend come stay the night with me who is taking me to the hospital in the morning. Then another friend is flying in from Nebraska (I live in Utah) on Friday. Hopefully, I'll be out of the hospital by then. I hope we all are!
All we can do is take good care of ourselves today and have faith that it is all going to be for the best.
Lori in Utah
05/23/05 364 preop weight.
Hi everyone, my surgery is first thing Tues morning. I have to be at the hosp at 5:30, surgery at 7:30. I'm not too nervous yet, but probably will be on the way to the hosp. We have a 2 hour drive. I'm going to try to keep busy today--won't be too hard with the kids, and last minute stuff to do, so my hubby won't have so much to do later. I also have only told a few people, but am lucky that they fully support me. I'm sure that everyone will do just fine in surgery and hopefully be feeling great in a few days. Good Luck to all of you!!
Good luck, I am scheduled for tomorrow also! I am trying to get things done around the house, but you won't believe what my dear husband is doing....frying bacon and eggs! I know that I have to get used to things like that, I don't even like breakfast foods, but boy, does it smell great. Anyway, good luck to all of us whose date is the 24th.
Retta in TN
I am posting this Monday afternoon. I have just gotten on the board this afternoon and as I read this I thought - she and the others who posted that they were having surgery today are probably already in their rooms. It is over and you are on the losing side. I am sure you will do great as you progress to a healthier and happier way of living. `