Anybody Else less than a week out?
Okay, I know I've read about this on the main board, before, but I just want to check in with my fellow May pals. I had surgery 5 days ago, on Tuesday. I've had a pretty easy recovery, felt pretty good. Felt WONDERFUL yesterday, no pain when I woke up, walked my BEE-hind off, had a great day.
Today, I hurt. I mean, like really bad, walking cramp/water cramp hurt under my left rib cage where my drain is. Not excrutiating, not bad enough to take something, but BOY am I sore! My drainage, so far, is still fine, and I'm not running a fever, so I'm pretty sure it's not an infection.
Anybody else with simliar experiences?
Hi Becky,
My surgery was 5/16, I just got home from the hospital yesterday, had some internal bleeding post-op, they had to give me 2 UI of blood. Feeling weak but not so much pain. The one day that I walked alot I also got a pain under ribcage. I think I overdidit because I felt better and I do remember twisting my upper body a little more because I felt better. Be aware of the type of movements in your upper body when you get up and down and with reaching for things.
Good luck sounds like you are doing good.
Hi Becky Sue -
I'm so GLAD you posted this because I also has my surgery on Tuesday and I woke up in a panic that something was wrong. I think it could just be some extra gas floating around because I started having BM's last night and have been "extra gassy" ever since (fun stuff, right?). They took out my drain tube before I left the hospital, so I'm sure it could also be some fluids floating around in there too? I had to take a leak test before I could leave the hospital, and ever since then I'm obsessed about getting a of course I woke up in a panic thinking I had sprung a leak or something!
I also TOTALLY agree with your advice to walk, walk, and then walk some more! I walked about every hour or two and I think that's what made me feel so good. The nurses sat there with their mouths open at 3 AM the night of my surgery when I had myself out of bed and had already walked for the 4th time that night. I would hear them say, "Did you help her get up? She's doing SO well!". My IV stand was my walking buddy when my family wasn't up at the hospital with me
I'm sure everyone's whose had the surgery recently is experiencing this's difficult to know what your new pouch is trying to tell you. I'm not sure if I'm gassy or hungry at times. What are you all eating at this point? I know everyone's surgeon has them on a different diet, but I think it's interesting to compare (I'm on a pureed food diet for a month - then to soft, regular foods for 2 months).
Thanks - Happy recovering!

Hi, we're almost neighbors! Where did you have your surgery?
I was the same way - walked every chance I got at the hospital. I was so glad once I was off everything but my IV so I didn't have to call someone every time I wanted to walk. Like you, 2 am, couldn't sleep, I'd get up and do laps!
At the end of the two days, I walked a total of 5 miles!
I don't think it's gas, I had that on day 2 and thought I was going to die. Way worse than my incisions or anything else. Felt like really seriously bad labor contractions! That lasted about 4 hours and I've been good since.
I'm on full liquids for the first 4 weeks - pudding, jello, cream soups, mushed beans, mashed potatoes, etc. It's not too bad, I stuck to pretty bland stuff until yesterday, I had absolutely NO interest in eating. Yesterday, I had FF refried beans and they were wonderful!
I still don't feel even remotely hungry, but I don't mind eating like I did the first couple of days. Now, it's just a chore I have to do.
I finally broke down and took some liquid Motrin and feel much better. Note: when they say don't gulp, they mean it! I accidently tossed back the first medicine cup full and my pouch did not like it AT ALL! I wasn't even thinking about it, just threw it back like a shot of whiskey!

I had my surgery at Elkhart General with Dr. Hoekstra. I used to live in Ft. Wayne when I was in college (IPFW) - I lived in the Waynedale area. I also worked in Huntington, so I'm pretty familar with the areas you live in!
I couldn't sleep also...I would sleep for what felt like hours, only to look at the clock to see that 20 minutes went by! I hated being in the hospital and I was determined to do whatever necessary to get out as soon as possible. When Dr. H came by Thursday evening and said I was released - I shouted out a "Yahoo" that could probably be heard from the parking garage
I have been pretty good about sipping - I ate some yogurt for breakfast and I think I've turned into the "lucky few" that become lactose intolerant after the surgery because it did NOT go down well (it was low carb, and sugar free). So, I'm trying to decide what to have for lunch that would go down easier...the FF refried beans sounds like a pretty good idea, so I may try that. I know I'm having salmon tonight and I'm pretty excitied about that, b/c my surgeon requires a 4 week liquid diet before the surgery (which I was religious to and lost 40 lbs going into the surgery). So the idea of real food after so long seems AWESOME!
Sorry you're still in pain - hope it "goes away" like the last time

Heya! I had surgery on Monday...left hospital drain tummy wrap like i hear others talk about
, BUT I HAVE THAT SAME left side ...not pain...but pain in the butt...
Not sure what it is...but if i walk, sometimes put my hands above my head it goes away ??? I am on full clear liquids until my life consists of sf popsicles, sf jello, broth and water...although I am not long as i don't HURT i am happy...
I only take my pain meds at night now because they help me sleep...I keep trying to lie on my sides : )
Can't get to my hubbys chest on my BACK!
ANYWAY...I think my left side may be doing the same yours is!

Becky, I'm 2-1/2 weeks out and I had similar experiences. One day I'd feel ready to conquer the world and the next day the only thing I felt up to conquering was my pillow in my bed, LOL! This went on for probably the first 10-12 days. Maybe even a day or two longer. Probably the last 5-6 days I've actually felt GOOD with no 'bad' days in between. Try not to overdo it on your 'up' days (I did a time or two and felt like you do).
God bless!