Blood Sugar Prob
I received a call after my pre-op appt that my blood sugar was too high and that Dr. Kemmerling can't/won't perform my surgery if it's not down by the 23rd. My PCP refused to give me anything to lower it, she says I've been off the pills for over a year now and I KNOW how to get my blood sugar down with diet and exercise. I thought I was pretty careful yesterday at the birthday party we had early for me, but this a.m. my fasting BS was 200. There's 1/2 a cake left, and tomorrow I start liquids.
I find that if it's not around, I don't want it as much. Definitely get rid of the cake.
On the milk issue: I have switched soymilk, which does not spike my blood sugar like regular milk. It has 7 g of soy protein, and only 6 g of sugar/8 g of total carbs. This way, I can enjoy cereal and milk once in a while (one that has lots of fiber to counter the carbs).
Cheri G.