Surgery almost here, I need some encouragement
I believe that is very normal. The thought of surgery of any kind is frightening....but the end result will make you so much healthier. My surgery is May 4th and I feel the same as you. I am excited to finally have a tool for permanent weight loss, but I am nervous at the same time. I try to think past the surgery. I wish you the best.
My date is May 6 and before it felt like it was right around the corner and now the anticipation is killing me. I am afraid of not making it but at the same time I am tired of being over weight or like the call it morbidly. I hate that word sounds so ugly, I made a real good friend on this site and she had her surgery on April 15 and she called me the day after. I believe the first day post-op is a bit painful, but after the first day is not bad at all. Afetr surgery you go thru 3 stages..... 1st clear liquids, jello, broth, tea ect... 2nd puree foods, everything puree and 3rd introducing little by little regular foods. Each stage last a couple weeks each, I believe the 1st stage only last for 1 to 2 weeks. The other stages are at least 4 weeks long.